American Chaperones

Trudi Bartus

Language Arts - Rosendale Intermediate  

German Exchange Coordinator


Hello! My name is Trudi Bartus. I teach 8th grade Language Arts at Rosendale Brandon Middle School in Rosendale. My daughter was in 8th grade during the 2017-2018 school year and we decided to participate in the German Exchange program. The experience was so amazing that I decided to become part of the team. I am so excited to travel with my students and take it all in! I will be a great contact and resource at Rosendale Brandon Middle School for any questions and concerns throughout the entire process.

International Travel

My international travel has been mostly in the Caribbean. I have been to Jamaica (twice), Mexico (twice), Punta Cana, Bahamas, US Virgin Islands, and St. Maarten. My wedding was in the Dominican and we traveled with all four kids plus 20 other guests. It was quite an adventure. Overseas travel has always been a dream of mine. The Duolingo app for learning German has now become a new hobby. 

Personal and Professional

I attended elementary school and high school in North Fond du Lac. My teaching degree is from the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, and I received my master's degree from Marian University. Most of my teaching career has been teaching 8th grade. My husband and I have four children altogether, so we are always very busy. If I have any downtime, I enjoy gardening, reading, and traveling!  We hosted an exchange student in 2018 and it was a fabulous experience. We still keep in touch and plan to meet up with her again. My daughter also traveled to Germany and had the most memorable time. I can't wait to travel again with the 8th graders this year!