Sharing podcasting with other educators

Sharing with other Educators

The equipment I have now was my second grant for podcast equipment. In Spring 2018, I was asked to facilitate a Podcasting Professional Development session for their staff.

In addition to training and sharing with faculty at my school, I have also led podcast professional development sessions for the NJ Association of School Librarians.

Once you get hooked on voice recording and podcasts, you can't help but want to share with others. I hope that happens to you, too!

Start your Own Podcast

You might want to make one yourself- Start by following podcasters like today's keynote, Amy Hermon, @schoolibrarianspodcast on Apple Podcasts

Interviewing librarians at NJASL conferences

Podcasting Equipment workshop, NJASL Conference 2019- click for presentation notes

Speed Learning, NJASL Conference 2019- click for presentation notes

Leading Podcasting PD session for teachers at Henry Husdon Regional School, 2018