The Modern Industry

The current status of the film industry in Saskatchewan includes the Creative Saskatchewan grant which is often not enough for films to be produced. This leaves the industry hanging on by threads.

CS Grant, is it Enough?

Image courtesy of Creative Saskatchewan

Film Industry in Saskatchewan Hanging on by Threads

The Saskatchewan film industry is only hanging on by a few threads. Things are still being made here but we no longer have a system that can support big feature films or giant tv series. The current industry is only supported by a grant system called Creative Saskatchewan. A grant system can support films and are a useful asset to film makers but this grant does not meet the needs of larger projects. The Creative Saskatchewan grant only provides reimbursement of up to 30% for films with a budget of two million dollars or less. Most feature films have a budget of at least five million dollars. Bigger films are now being made in other places like Alberta instead. By contrast, Alberta has multiple tax credits for their film industry that can reimburse up to 65% of a film's total budget with a maximum budget cap. Our tiny grant just can’t compete with a successful system like that.

The sad thing is that our industry could be thriving more than ever now. With companies like Netflix, Hulu and Crave, the worldwide industry is easier than ever to get into. Films and shows that would have a hard time getting on a network or in a theater could easily be picked up by a company like Netflix. This would open up our modern industry and allow for more and more success.