About Us

What is BAC?

The first of its kind in Saskatchewan, Balfour Arts Collective (BAC) is flourishing with over 200 diverse, creative, and committed students from across the city. BAC is enriching the lives of students as well as the overall school community. The program fosters a sense of belonging, engagement, and success.

This dynamic, energetic, and specialized program is a proud part of Regina Public Schools and historic Balfour Collegiate.

Who is a good fit?

If you are a student who is passionate about the arts -- whether you love dance, drama, visual art, or, performing arts, Balfour Arts Collective is the program for you. 

Applications open at the beginning of February each school year. Students do NOT have to live within Balfour school boundaries to attend this program.  All prospective students in Regina and area are eligible. 

What can this program offer me?

The program provides students with engaging, high-quality instruction from teachers with expertise in a variety of disciplines. It also offers students the chance to work with professional artists who share their talents and real-world experience. 

Balfour Arts Collective allows students to be part of a school within a school. They get all the benefits of being a Balfour student while also belonging to a smaller community with artistically focused peers. They are part of something that matters to them, which creates a sense of belonging. 

Balfour Arts Collective engages students in their learning, which helps them achieve greater success. 

How is the day structured?

Grade 9: Students will take the following arts-focused courses as part of the BAC program: Arts Education 9, English 9, Physical Education 9, and Health 9. 

Grade 10: Students will take the following arts-focused courses as part of the BAC program: English 10, Wellness 10, Arts Education 10, and another arts course of their choice: Drama or Visual Art or Dance 10.  

Grade 11 & Grade 12: Students continue in the program with a focus on either Performance or Visual Art (AP).  Performance students take the following courses: Performing Arts (BPAC), Dance and/or Drama, and Musical Theatre. Visual Art students take the following courses: Visual Art and Studio Art.

Grades 10-12: Students can also take additional arts elective courses, including: Drama, Dance, Visual Art, Music, Performing Arts (BPAC), Musical Theatre, Choir, Vocal Jazz, and Band. 

Students in the BAC program take their required math, science, and social science classes within the regular Balfour Collegiate timetable. Students involved in the BAC program will be able to access the required classes for grade 12 graduation, as well as for post-secondary programs. 

For more information about class choices, click here

What is the cost?

The program fee for grades 9 & 10 is $250.00 per school year. At the grades 11 & 12 level, the cost for Visual Art students is $50 per school year. At the grades 11 & 12 level, the cost for Performance students is up to $130 per school year. These fees cover the cost of supplies, guest teachers and experts in the field, alternate facility spaces, and field trips to arts-related experiences. 

2024 BAC Frequently Asked Questions