
SUmmer Newsletter

Year 5 Summer Newsletter

Dear parents and carers, 

Welcome back to a new term!


This term we will learn about Europe, including a European country as focus, as well as mountains. We will finish the year with a short Viking topic making links with the local area. We will be approaching the study of these last topics focusing on geographical and historical skills as set out in the national curriculum.


This term we will be studying living things and their habitats as well as animals including humans.


We will be updating our Year 5 web page with details of upcoming trips.


Class photos and Sports day will take place during this term. Dates will be announced through the website and letters in due time.


School begins at 9:00am.  Please ensure your child is in the playground by 8:55am and that they are ready for school.  If you need to speak to the class teacher to pass on an urgent message, please do so before 8:55am or alternatively email the school office.  

The Local Authority and the Department for Education set all schools the minimum expected target of 95% attendance over the school year.  Attendance is very important because your child can not learn if they are not in school.   We need your help to improve and sustain whole school attendance.  Please remember to report all school absences to the school office.  It is vital that we have your most current contact details. If they have changed, please visit the office to update them. 

PE Kits and School Uniform

Please ensure that your child has a named PE kit in school at all times: black leggings or shorts, white T-shirt, and suitable footwear. Likewise, children need to be wearing appropriate school uniforms with all items named, please. 

5A – Monday and Friday

5B – Tuesday and Thursday

Homework and E-learning at home

All children should access their MyON accounts daily or read a hard copy book for at least half hour every day. Also, they should access MyMaths and TTRockstars or Hit the Button accounts at least once per week. There are additional activities available on the websites listed below. 

MyMaths - www.mymaths.co.uk 

MyON - https://www.myon.co.uk/login/index.html

Accelerated Reader - www.ukhosted6.renlearn.co.uk/6703966

Languagenut - www.languagenut.com 

Hit the Button - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

TTRockstars - https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/student/62805

Thank you for your continued support,

Mr Lago & Mr Chelaru