Year 5


Dear Parents and Guardians,

First of all, thank you for getting involved in the reading competition that is taking place at the school, we have seen an improvement in the amount of children that are reading at home which is great. Keep signing the booklets (or a piece of paper) to prove that your child has read.

Secondly, on the 3rd and 4th of June, 5B and 5A respectively will attend an indoor climbing workshop at Yonder Climbing Centre near Blackhorse Road Station. Please send your children with a packed lunch on the day.

Lastly, Sports Day will take place at the Feel Good Centre Athletics Grounds on 26th June.

We hope you have a fantastic term and please don't hesitate to contact us if you need any more information.

Best wishes,

Mr Lago & Mr Chelaru

Here are some books you may find at the fair!

Book Fair Invite 24.pdf

Key dates this term
