
Things you could do at home:

Please share a book with your child every day.

Please practise counting 1-20. You can do this on the way home: counting cars, buses or friends from school, spot the number games and practise recognising signs and symbols.

Please look at the letter section regarding Little Wandle.

Calendar 24 25.pdf

 Key dates this term

Week commencing Monday 11th November is World Nursery Rhyme week. Links below are some lovely Nursery Rhymes to join in with at home.

Friday 15th November: Children In Need

Term Dates: 

Monday 28th October -Thursday 19th December

Reading morning is every Wednesday morning. You will be able to come to the classroom to read with your child every Wednesday from 8:45-9:05.

  Phonics packs that were shown at the reading workshops are available for collection from the Reception Team.

PE: Children will only be changing their shoes this year for PE. Please provide either black plimsolls or trainers.