we are...

After graduating in 1993 from the National Institute of Fashion Technology in Delhi, Madhulika (Madhu) mastered in textiles from the National Institute Of Design in Ahmedabad. Meanwhile, Manish (Tibbs) was working in Mumbai. They finally decided to make Jaipur their home in 1998. RASA was born.

Young, energetic and experimental, they made artworks for the first year with a conscious effort to stay away from the design genres prevalent during that time. Finally setting up a block printing table, Tibbs mixed colour while Madhu was the soul behind the aesthetic. Commencing with a single block printer and a single pattern master who also doubled up as the tailor, their first collection found a prominent place at the Qutab Collonade in Delhi.

Along the way, collaboration with a friend to design and manufacture home textiles for the American market provided an insight into global aesthetic and standards. It continues to do so. Fashion at RASA took a back seat for a few years before it was re-launched at the Delhi Fashion Week in 2007. Today, RASA fashion and home textiles are available at select stores in the US, Canada, Europe, Australia, Japan and South East Asia.