Play Based Learning

Folau Fa'atasi - Sail together.

Folau Fa'atasi (Play Based Learning) at Rangikura School.

Our Play based Learning Vision at Rangikura School.

Our vision is to engage and empower our children - through an agentic and child centred learning environment - to be confident, creative, collaborative, and resilient learners who are able to innovate and problem solve independently and alongside others. We strive to value the diverse cultures of our children and provide a localised learning context where they see themselves, their friends and their whanau visible in their learning.

At Rangikura School, we offer Play Based Learning from Year 1 to Year 3 across Rimu and Kowhai sydicates.

Folau Fa'atasi parent information.

What does play look like at Rangikura school?

Play in Rimu and Kowhai

In Rimu and Kowhai, we run Play based learning classrooms in Years 1 - 3 which means the children are engaged in many learning activities both individually and in small groups. Children work alongside teachers for instructional reading, writing and maths learning.

The learning environments are set up for both inside and outside play.

How do play based learning environments support learning?

Through play children can learn:

Creative Thinking skills


Self Awareness

Teamwork skills

Numeracy skills

Literacy Skills

Inquiry Skills

Types of Play


At Rangikura school we have spent the past 5 years researching, developing and implementing play-based learning within our Year 1 - 3 classes. We believe that play-based learning is supportive of children's on-going learning and development.

NZC NZ Curriculum and Te Whariki

NZC Learning through Play: Whats it all about? - Whats it all about?

Peter Gray and Ken Robinson: "Play" refer to video below -

Longworth Education: Play-based learning and children’s stress responses

Nathan Mikaere-Wallis: Brain development (Refer to video below)