Leadership Opportunities for Students

9th Grade Leadership Opportunities

Asheboro/Randolph Chamber of Commerce Student LIFT Program - for more information see Mrs. Miller in Student Services or go here for more information.

Apply for a Student Government position - See Mrs. Bowman if you are interested

Apply for an office position in the Junior Civitan Club - see Mrs. Miller if you are interested

Create your own club at ERHS! All you need is a faculty member to sponsor/oversee your club.

10th Grade Leadership Opportunities

HOBY program - Summer leadership 3 day program at a local 4 year college. 2 sophomores from ERHS are guaranteed to go each year! For more information, see Mrs. Miller in Student Services or go here.

NC State's Satellite Camp for Sophomores - If you are interested in Science and Math, then this is the perfect opportunity for you. You even get to stay on NC State's campus for a few days! Go here to learn more.

Asheboro/Randolph Chamber of Commerce Student LIFT Program - for more information see Mrs. Miller in Student Services or go here for more information.

Summer Ventures at the North Carolina School of Science and Math - spend 4 weeks engaging in hands on projects with other gifted students in Science and Math! Click here to learn more information.

Apply for a Student Government position - See Mrs. Bowman if you are interested

Apply for an office position in the Junior Civitan Club - see Mrs. Miller if you are interested

Create your won club at ERHS! All you need is a faculty member to sponsor/oversee your club

11th Grade Leadership Opportunities

NC Governors School - Spend 5 weeks in this prestigious summer residential program gaining hands on experience in an academic area of your choice. This is a very competitive summer program that our students have enjoyed being a part of. For more information, see Mr. Brown in Student Services or go here.

Summer Ventures at the North Carolina School of Science and Math - spend 4 weeks engaging in hands on projects with other gifted students in Science and Math! Click here to learn more information.

Apply for a Student Government position - See Mrs. Bowman if you are interested

Apply for an office position in the Junior Civitan Club - see Mrs. Miller if you are interested

Create your won club at ERHS! All you need is a faculty member to sponsor/oversee your club