
Please see my Schoology page where you will find all upcoming assignments and announcements.


1.Should my child do his or her homework alone?

Yes, all homework should be done independently, BUT it would be a good idea for you to look at your child's homework to make sure that it is complete.

2.Do I need to sign my child's reading log each night?

Yes, please make every effort to sign the reading log so that we are all on the same page and can keep track of how much is being read.

3.Is there a student planner this year?

No, there are no student planners because all the information you will need will be on your child's Schoology. Just make sure that you are checking each Schoology page as your child will have different teachers like last year.

4.What if my child doesn't do the assigned homework because of something at home?
Please email me so that I am aware that your child did not get a chance to complete his/her work.