Flowers from hikes in the foothills and mountains near Fort Collins, 2020

Photos taken with my iPhone. The plant names are my best guess, as aided at times by Paula, my favorite botanist (who bears no responsibility for the end result)

Parry's gentian

Fringed gentian

Mountain blue violet

Dense sky pilot

Bluemist penstemon

Mountain harebell

Oblongleaf bluebells

Subalpine larkspur

Showy daisy

Purple fringe

Rocky Mountain penstemon

Western spiderwort

Jacob's ladder

Tall chiming bells

Lanceleaf chiming bells

Rock clematis

Colorado blue columbine

Dotted gayfeather

Ballhead waterleaf

Alpine clover


Parry's primrose

Elephant's head

American vetch

Shooting star

Rose crown


Moss campion


Rosy paintbrush

Red paintbrush

Black-headed daisy

Cutleaf daisy

Narcissus anemone

American bistort


Star lily

Marsh marigold

American globeflower

Mountain candytuft

White prickly poppy

Star lily

Alpine sandwort


Porter's lovage

Sego lily

Heartleaf buttercress

Pearly everlasting

Richardson's geranium



Sulphur-flower buckwheat

Pasque flower

Red elderberry

Lanceleaf spring beauty

Sickletop lousewort

Colorado blue columbine

Mountain death camus ?

Western valerian ?

Sulphur paintbrush


Wooton's ragwort ?

Fendler's ragwort

Lamb's-tougue ragwort

Arrowleaf ragwort

Fernleaf lousewort

Slender cinquefoil

Elegant cinquefoil

Bigflower cinquefoil

Shrubby cinquefoil

Nuttall's violet

Goosefoot violet

Golden banner

Snow buttercup

Plaintain-leaf buttercup

Glacier lily

Western wallflower

Yellow stonecrop

Mountain parsley


Alpine sunflower

Alpine avens

Heartleaf arnica

Foothills arnica

Broadleaf arnica

Broadleaf arnica ?