
Current Lab Members - Staff and Post Docs

Kristen Ruegg, Principal Investigator


Link to CV: CV (Updated Spring 2021)

Research Interests: Conservation genomics, population genomics, landscape genomics, migratory birds, speciation, climate change.

Other Interests: Hiking with my family, gardening, yoga, reading (non-scientific novels), mountain and road biking, cross country skiing, and painting

Christen Bossu, Research Scientist III


Research interests: Speciation genomics, conservation genomics of migratory birds, and hybridization.

Other Interests: Hiking, kickboxing, paddle boarding, gardening, reading, traveling.

Amanda Carpenter, Lab and Collections Manager


Research Interests: Cryptic speciation, population genomics, hybridization, systematics, field work, and bird banding.

Other Interests: Keeping house plants, road tripping, hiking, camping, horror movies, and craft beer.

Joan Ferrer Obiol, Postdoc


Research Interests: Population genomics, conservation genomics, migratory behaviour, speciation, local adaptation, seabirds.

Other Interests: Birding, hiking, foodie, craft beer, human towers.

William Hemstrom, Postdoc


Research Interests: Population genomics, conservation genetics, genetics of migration, quantitative genetics, software and methods development.

Other Interests: Birding, wildlife photography (particularly birds), traveling, running, board games, video games (and other nerdy things).

Luz E. Zamudio Beltrán, UNAM Postdoc


Research Interests: I have worked on analyzing the geographic structure in Middle American hummingbird species based on molecular data, and conducted phylogenetic studies with implication in taxonomy. My main interests are focused on evolutionary biology, phylogeography, phylogenetics and systematics.

Other Interests: Painting, mountaineering, climbing, scuba diving, and traveling. 

Current Lab Members - Graduate Students

Marina Rodriguez, PhD Candidate


Research Interests:  My prior research has involved using telomere length to better understand how different environmental stressors influence life-history trade-offs in birds, as well as exploring the factors associated with blood parasitism in a high elevation bird community. My current research will focus on the adaptive divergence of migratory birds due to factors associated with their wintering grounds.  

Other Interests: My hobbies include mountaineering, playing and watching basketball, birding, and reading. 

Erica Robertson, PhD Student


Research Interests:  I’m interested in understanding how local adaptation and genetic variation can provide species reliance to changes due to climate change. My work focuses on Rosy Finches.

Other Interests: Rock climbing is my major passion in life, and I partake in all kinds with an emphasis on alpine climbing. I generally love being outside so backpacking, skiing, hiking are also common activities. Besides those things I am also an artist and a coffee aficionado.

Holden Fox, PhD Student


Research Interests:  Evolution, biodiversity, and genomics.

Other Interests: Rock climbing and birding.

Genaro Rodríguez Otero, UNAM MS Student


Research interests: I am interested in avian biology in general, but what I like the most is avian ecology and evolution applied to conservation. For my MS project I will be comparing the ecological niche between genetically distinct populations of Cardellina pusilla and between breeding and wintering ranges of each population (based on the Genoscape of the species).

Other interests: I enjoy birding, painting, playing football, listening to music, hiking and camping.

Wendoly Rojas Abreu, UNAM PhD Student


Research interests: I have worked on Behavioral Ecology using birds as a study model. I am currently interested in the generation of phylogenetic hypotheses, and understanding how genetics, environment and geography may explain the evolution of morphological and behavioral characteristics of American Robin. 

Other interests: I like camping, dancing, taekwondo and enjoy walking and reading. 

Current Lab Members - Undergraduate Students

If you'd like to join our amazing team of undergraduate volunteers and work study students, please learn more here!

Sophie Deitch

Adrian Pullaro

Jonas Peterson

Cecilia Huber

Mia Hock

Claire Labuda

Past Lab Members 

Former Graduate Students

Former Undergraduate Students

Former Other Staff