Conservation Genomics
WELCOME! Our research focuses on understanding the mechanisms that generate and maintain species diversity in a changing world. We will specialize in the application of genomic and genetic tools to address basic and applied evolutionary and ecological questions. The methods we use are integrative, combining field-based behavioral studies, population genetics/genomics, and GIS-based ecological modeling in order to provide the most relevant information to today's conservation challenges. While our main focus is on the Bird Genoscape Project, an effort to harness the power of genomics to facilitate migratory bird conservation, we welcome students and post-docs interested in a wide variety of research organisms.
To find out more about our research please visit the Bird Genoscape Project website or the Ruegg lab Research page.
If you are interested in joining our team please see the Positions page of this website.
2024 News
It was a successful field season for our Loggerhead Shrike crew! 51 individuals sampled across 5 western states in just nine days.
We welcome Ben DuMais as a summer undergraduate curatorial assistant.
Cecilia Huber joins the lab as a new undergraduate curatorial assistant.
Undergraduate student Adrian Pullaro is working on an independent research project of using PCR to sex hatch-year Magnolia Warblers.
2023 News
Congratulations to Matt DeSaix for successfully defending his PhD dissertation.
Undergraduate student Tomas Dardis is working on his honor's thesis of connecting migratory Hermit Thrush samples back to their breeding population origin!
Marissa Martinez and Alannah Crownover joined our lab as MURALS students and will present their research at MURALS in spring 2024.
Holden Fox joined the lab as a new Master's student!
Amanda Carpenter joined as the new Lab and Collections Manager!