

Please contact Dr. Hart ( to request a  copy.

X. Walker, S. J. Hart, W. Hansen, M. Jean, C. Brown, T. Chapin, R. Hewitt, T. Hollingsworth, M. Mack, K. Spellman, J. Johnstone. 2024. Factors limiting the potential range expansion of lodgepole pine in Interior Alaska. Ecological Applications, doi:10.1002/eap.2983.

Cook, M., T. B. Chapman, S. J. Hart, A. Paudel, and J. Balch. 2024. Mapping Quaking Aspen Using Seasonal Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Composite Imagery across the Southern Rockies, USA. Remote Sensing 16(9), doi: 10.3390/rs16091619.

Tutland, N. J., K. C. Rodman, R. A. Andrus, and S. J. Hart. 2023. Overlapping outbreaks of multiple bark beetle species are rarely more severe than single-species outbreaks. Ecosphere 14, doi: 10.1002/ecs2.4478.

Harvey, B. J., S. J. Hart, P. C. Tobin, T. T. Veblen, D. C. Donato, M. S. Buonanduci, A. Pane, H. Stanke, and K. C. Rodman. 2023. Emergent hotspots of biotic disturbances and their consequences for forest resilience. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 21:388-396, doi: 10.1002/fee.2659.

Rodman, K. C., R. A. Andrus, A. R. Carlson, T. A. Carter, T. B. Chapman, J. D. Coop, P. J. Fornwalt, N. S. Gill, B. J. Harvey, A. E. Hoffman, K. C. Kelsey, D. Kulakowski, D. C. Laughlin, J. E. Morris, J. F. Negrón, K. M. Nigro, G. S. Pappas, M. D. Redmond, C. C. Rhoades, M. E. Rocca, Z. H. Schapira, J. S. Sibold, C. S. Stevens-Rumann, T. T. Veblen, J. Wang, X. Zhang, and S. J. Hart. 2022. Rocky Mountain forests are poised to recover following bark beetle outbreaks, but with altered composition. Journal of Ecology 00:1-21, doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.13999.

Cole, H. M., R. A. Andrus, C. Butkiewicz, K. C. Rodman, O. Santiago, N. J. Tutland, A. Waupochick, and S. J. Hart. 2022. Outbreaks of Douglas-fir beetle follow western spruce budworm defoliation in the Southern Rocky Mountains, USA. Forests 13:371.

Wion, A. P., D. D. Breshears, C. J. W. Carroll, N. S. Cobb, S. J. Hart, D. J. Law, N. Meneses, and M. D. Redmond. 2022. Dead again: predictions of repeat tree die-off under hotter droughts confirm mortality thresholds for a dryland conifer species. Environmental Research Letters 17:074031.

Jaime, L., S. J. Hart, F. Lloret, T. T. Veblen, R. Andrus, K. Rodman, and E. Batllori. 2022. Species climatic suitability explains insect–host dynamics in the Southern Rocky Mountains, USA. Ecosystems 25:91–104.

Rodman, K. C., R. A. Andrus, C. L. Butkiewicz, T. B. Chapman, N. S. Gill, B. J. Harvey, D. Kulakowski, N. J. Tutland, T. T. Veblen, and S. J. Hart. 2021. Effects of bark beetle outbreaks on forest landscape pattern in the Southern Rocky Mountains, U.S.A. Remote Sensing 13:1089.

Rodman, K. C., R. A. Andrus, T. T. Veblen, and S. J. Hart. 2021. Disturbance detection in Landsat time series is influenced by tree mortality agent and severity, not by prior disturbance. Remote Sensing of Environment 254:112244.

Buřivalová, Z., S. J. Hart, V. C. Radeloff, and U. Srinivasan. 2021. Early warning sign of forest loss in protected areas. Current Biology.

Greuel, R. J., G. É. Degré-Timmons, J. L. Baltzer, J. F. Johnstone, E. J. B. McIntire, N. J. Day, S. J. Hart, P. D. McLoughlin, F. K. A. Schmiegelow, M. R. Turetsky, A. Truchon-Savard, M. D. van Telgen, and S. G. Cumming. 2021. Predicting patterns of terrestrial lichen biomass recovery following boreal wildfires. Ecosphere 12:e03481.

Ye, S., J. Rogan, Z. Zhu, T. J. Hawbaker, S. J. Hart, R. A. Andrus, A. J. H. Meddens, J. A. Hicke, J. R. Eastman, and D. Kulakowski. 2021. Detecting subtle change from dense Landsat time series: Case studies of mountain pine beetle and spruce beetle disturbance. Remote Sensing of Environment 263:112560.

Andrus, R. A., S. J. Hart, N. Tutland, and T. T. Veblen. 2021. Future dominance by quaking aspen expected following short-interval, compounded disturbance interaction. Ecosphere 12:e03345.

Hart, S. J., and D. L. Preston. 2020. Fire weather drives daily area burned and observations of fire behavior in mountain pine beetle affected landscapes. Environmental Research Letters 15:054007.

Andrus, R. A., S. J. Hart, and T. T. Veblen. 2020. Forest recovery following synchronous outbreaks of spruce and western balsam bark beetle is slowed by ungulate browsing. Ecology 101:e02998.

Hart, S.J., J. Henkelman, P.D. McLoughlin, S.E. Nielsen, A. Truchon-Savard, and J.F. Johnstone. 2019. Examining forest resilience to changing fire frequency in a fire-prone region of boreal forest. Global Change Biology 25:869-884.

Sommerfeld, A., C. Senf, B. Buma, A. W. D’Amato, T. Després, I. Díaz-Hormazábal, S. Fraver, L. E. Frelich, Á. G. Gutiérrez, S. J. Hart, B. J. Harvey, H. S. He, T. Hlásny, A. Holz, T. Kitzberger, D. Kulakowski, D. Lindenmayer, A. S. Mori, J. Müller, J. Paritsis, G. L. W. Perry, S. L. Stephens, M. Svoboda, M. G. Turner, T. T. Veblen, and R. Seidl. 2018. Patterns and drivers of recent disturbances across the temperate forest biome. Nature Communications 9:4355.

Holz, A., S.J. Hart, G.J. Williamson, T.T. Veblen, and J.C. Aravena. 2018. Latitudinal patterns in tree radial growth and vegetation productivity as bioindicators of ecosystem response to recent warming in southern South America. Journal of Biogeography 45:1140-1152.

Andrus, R.A., B.J. Harvey, K. Rodman, S.J. Hart, and T.T. Veblen. 2018. Moisture availability limits subalpine tree establishment. Ecology 99:657-575.

Hart, S.J., T.T. Veblen, D. Schenider, and N.P. Molotch. 2017. Summer and winter drought drive the initiation and spread of spruce beetle outbreak. Ecology 98:2698-2707.

Andrus, R. A., T. T. Veblen, B. J. Harvey, B.J., and S. J. Hart. 2016. Fire severity unaffected by spruce beetle outbreak in spruce-fir forests in southwestern Colorado. Ecological Applications 25:700-711.

Preston, D. L., N. Caine, D. M. McKnight, M. W. Williams, K. Hell, M. P. Miller, S. J. Hart, and P. T. J. Johnson. 2016. Climate regulates alpine lake ice cover phenology and aquatic ecosystem structure. Geophysical Research Letters 43:5353-5360.

Temperli, C., T. T. Veblen, S. J. Hart, D. Kulakowski and A. J. Tepley. 2015. Interactions among spruce beetle disturbance, climate change and forest dynamics captured by a forest landscape model. Ecosphere 6:1-20

Hart, S.J., T. Schoennegal, T. T. Veblen, and T. B. Chapman. 2015. Area burned in the western United States is not influenced by recent mountain pine beetle outbreaks. 2015. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 112:4375-4380.

Hart, S.J., and T. T. Veblen. 2015. Detection of spruce beetle-induced tree mortality using high- and medium-resolution remotely sensed imagery. 2015. Remote Sensing of Environment 168:134-145. 

Hart, S.J., T. T. Veblen, N. Mietkiewicz and D. Kulakowski. 2015. Negative feedbacks on bark beetle outbreaks: widespread severe spruce beetle outbreak may restrict future outbreak. PloS One 10:e0127975.

Hart, S.J., T. T. Veblen and D. Kulakowski. 2014. Do tree and stand-level attributes determine susceptibility of spruce-fir forests to spruce beetle outbreaks? Forest Ecology and Management 318:44-53.

Temperli, C., Hart, S.J., T. T. Veblen, D. Kulakowski, J. J. Hicks, and R. Andrus. 2014. Are density reduction treatments effective at managing for resistance or resilience to spruce beetle disturbance in the southern Rocky Mountains? Forest Ecology and Management 334:53-63. 

Hart, S. J., T. T. Veblen, E. Eisenhart, D. Jarvis, and D. Kulakowski. 2014. Drought limits spruce beetle outbreaks. Ecology 4:930-939.

Hart, S. J. and C. P. Laroque. 2013. Searching for thresholds in the dendroclimatic response of subalpine fir and Engelmann spruce. Dendrochronologia 31:9-15.

Anderson, F., J. Brunt, R. Cameron, B. Caverhill, D. Clapp, H. Clapp, B. Coulthard, S. J. Hart, L. Helmer, S. Hubley, D. Hulburt, T. Imlay, R. Jameson, P. Kidd, C. P. Laroque, R. Marotte, K. Marshall, S. C. Mitchell, T. Neily, K. Nickerson, N. O’Neill, B. E. Phillips, C. Pross, G. Proulx, L. Proulx, C. Reardon, J. Todd, and J. Towers. 2012. Bioblitz of the Lake Rossignol Wilderness Area. Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science 47:33–57.

Smith, J. M., S. J. Hart, T. B. Chapman, T. T. Veblen, and T. Schoennagel. 2012. Dendroecological reconstruction of 1980s mountain pine beetle outbreak in lodgepole pine forests in northwestern Colorado. Ecoscience 19:113–126.

Hart, S. J., D. J. Smith, and J. J. Clague. 2010. A multi-species dendroclimatic reconstruction of Chilko River streamflow, British Columbia, Canada. Hydrological processes 24:2752–2761.

Hart, S. J., J. J. Clague, and D. J. Smith. 2010. Dendrogeomorphic reconstruction of Little Ice Age paraglacial activity in the vicinity of the Homathko Icefield, British Columbia Coast Mountains, Canada. Geomorphology 121:197–205.

Book chapters

Harvey, B. J., S. J. Hart, and C. A. Cansler. 2021. The disturbance regime concept. The Routledge Handbook of Landscape Ecology. Routledge.