
We are always excited to discuss possible opportunities for motivated  graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, undergraduate students, and visiting scientists to join our lab. Below is some information on open positions and general opportunities. Whether you are hoping to apply for an open position, you have funding, or you just want to explore possibilities, please contact Sarah (sarah.hart [at] colostate.edu).

Current opportunities

PhD position at Colorado State University in wildfire science

We are currently recruiting one PhD student interested in processing and using geospatial data to better inform forest and fuels management. The successful application will collaborate with researchers at CSU and The Nature Conservancy on a Joint Fire Science Program funded project that seeks to understand effects of hazardous fuel treatment reductions on landscape-level patterns of wildfire activity, effects, and suppression operations.




1.     Bachelor’s degree in forestry, geography, or a related field by the time of appointment

2.     Prior experience working with geospatial data

3.     Commitment to and enthusiasm for wildfire science

4.     Evidence of experience effectively working in and leading groups

5.     Evidence of persistence and ability to overcome obstacles

6.     Demonstrated ability to communicate accurately and effectively, both verbally and in writing.



1.     Master’s degree in forestry, geography, or a related field by the time of appointment

2.     Prior research experience in academia or beyond

3.     Strong skills in R, Python, or Google Earth Engine

4.     Evidence of publishing in referred journals and/or presenting at scientific conferences

5.     Commitment to enhancing diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice in academia and/or natural resource management

Preferred Start Date

The ideal candidate will be available to start August 2024, although candidates not available to start until January 2025 will be considered. 

Stipend and tuition 

Funding for the successful applicant includes a graduate assistantship (renewable, 12-month stipend), tuition remission, and benefits.

Application Procedure

Review of applicants will begin immediately. For best consideration, please submit all materials by April 26th. If you have additional questions about the position, please feel free to email Sarah. 

Graduate students

Graduate students in our lab are typically supported through Research Assistantships, Teaching Assistantships, or external graduate fellowships. Students interested in applying for fellowships, such as the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship are particularly encouraged to get in touch. More information about the graduate programs in forestry is available here

Postdoctoral researchers

If you have an idea for a project, please get in touch. I  would be happy to collaboratively develop a proposal for postdoc funding.

Undergraduate students

Our lab group has intermittent opportunities for undergraduates to gain research experience. These opportunities may include field data collection, working with GIS data, or processing tree ring data, among other things. Particularly motivated undergraduates students  may even pursue independent research projects. Interested students are encouraged to reach out about opportunities.