Ramaz COVID-19

Fequently Asked Questions

Table of Contents:

  1. ATHLETICS - *Last updated on 11/16/20



  4. HEALTH AND SAFETY PROTOCOL - *Last updated on 1/1/21

  5. LOCKERS - *Last updated 10/21/20

  6. LUNCH AND SNACKS - *Last updated 10/21/20

  7. ON-CAMPUS LEARNING - *Last updated 10/21/20



  10. SOCIAL DISTANCING - *Last updated on 1/1/2021

  11. TESTING - *Last updated 12/18/20

  12. TRANSPORTATION *Last updated on 1/1/21




*Last updated on 11/16/20

  1. How will gym classes be handled this year?

LS: Gym will take place via masterclass daily for a month in person and will later switch to Zoom lessons.

MS: Gym classes will continue to be held twice a week in the MS and we will make every effort to hold classes outdoors, either on our rooftop or terraces, weather permitting. Because there will be no contact sports, gym this year will be co-ed.

US: Physical education classes will be held for as many students as possible when they are scheduled to be in our building. Not every student’s schedule can accommodate a gym period in the building. These sessions are more likely to be instructional exercise or conditioning classes in order to maintain safe social distancing.

Update: We have been working with health and safety experts to find ways to continue our athletics program in a Covid-safe manner. I'm pleased to report that in the Upper School, spin bikes will be soon arriving and will be stationed on the terrace for gym classes.

  1. What is the plan for team sports this year? Are you waiting to hear guidelines from the Yeshiva League?

Team sports are suspended until further notice. We will update you on any guidelines issued from the Yeshiva League.

Many of you have asked about playing sports, whether indoors or outdoors. Following is our protocol and we suggest that if you are working with a vendor, you should ensure they follow these safety protocols:

· No contact sports (drills are permissible if they follow guidelines below)

· No locker room use

· Use outdoor space for activities at much as possible

· Maintain at all times 6 to 12 feet distance (12 feet for activities that result in heavy breathing)

· Masks at all times except for distanced breaks/breathers

· All equipment is individual and sanitized in between each use

· Hands are washed/sanitized before and after class

Update: Starting in November, we plan to arrange for hour-long workouts on Sundays for our various teams. We are piloting this with our boys and girls basketball teams and hope to expand this gradually to other teams.

  1. As of November, what does MS Athletics look like?

After much consideration and thoughtful evaluation, we are pleased to let you know that we are launching a 7th and 8th grade boys and girls "Drills, Skills, and Conditioning" basketball program on Sundays.

We will offer coed sessions for boys and girls within each 7th & 8th grade cohort. If at some point the cohorts are merged in school then the basketball program would follow suit. We have very strict guidelines in place to ensure that we are as safe as possible:

  • Players will wear masks

  • Players will use only one ball. No passing to or rebounding for each other.

  • No scrimmaging

We encourage participants to bring their own (labeled) ball but we can provide one if your child does not have one. Our balls will be sanitized in between cohort sessions.

The staggered start times will be announced on Schoology with the first session starting at 9AM. However, the times may change as we evaluate the program and will be posted on Schoology each week. Students who wish to attend will need to confirm on Schoology by sending a message to Coach Candel. Students will also be required to show clearance on the Magnus App for that day. If your child has not passed the Magnus App they may not attend. Please be vigilant in helping to keep our community safe, just as you would on a school day.

We are grateful to all our coaches who have agreed to run these sessions on Sundays. They are giving of their time on weekends in order for our students to get increased physical activity and much-needed social interaction in a Covid-safe way.

  1. As of November, what does US Athletics look like?

We are excited to report that after a concerted effort at planning and consultation with our medical team, the Upper School has decided to resume some athletic programming. Our main focus will be to help students work on the skills, drills and fundamentals of various sports. Please note, if students have no interest in participating in a particular team but want to nonetheless work out with team members, this is their opportunity.

We will be starting with basketball for boys and girls, hockey for boys, and table tennis for boys and girls. Our non-contact basketball and hockey will focus on skills development and conditioning while maintaining social distancing and mask wearing.

  • Basketball will meet on Sundays in the Upper School gym.

  • Boys hockey will meet on Motzaei Shabbat starting an hour after Shabbat in the Upper School gym.

Each grade cohort will work out for a full hour, after which all equipment and surfaces will be sanitized during the 20-minute interval between workouts.

It is our hope that when interschool Yeshiva League competition resumes, we will have student athletes who are well prepared and conditioned for competition. These practices will also enable students to develop a rapport with coaches while safely socializing with peers and, of course, getting much needed exercise. To learn more, please click HERE.


  1. How often are the buildings being cleaned during the day?

The Ramaz facilities staff are now trained on hospital-grade cleaning and are responsible for continuous cleaning of high- touch and high-traffic areas throughout the school day (e.g., bathrooms, door handles, stairwell handrails, elevator buttons, desks, chairs, etc). Ramaz will continue to have a skilled cleaning crew for disinfecting the building after dismissal in preparation for the next school day.

ECC and LS: Cleaning will include a disinfection of the outdoor play equipment between cohort use.

US: The US faculty will be given appropriate cleaning solutions and PPE in order to sanitize each desk and chair in between classes, with 10 minutes allotted for cleaning between each.


  1. What are the arrival and dismissal times?

N and Pre-K: Specific details will be sent to you closer to the start of school.

K and LS: K-4 students will have staggered arrival times between 8-8:30 AM, and staggered dismissal times between 3-3:30 PM on Mondays through Thursdays and between 1-1:30 PM on Fridays.

MS: Students should arrive between 8-8:15 AM, with tefilah beginning promptly at 8:15 AM in classrooms. Dismissal times are as follows: Grade 5 - 3:45 PM; Grade 6 - 3:50 PM; Grade 7 - 3:55 PM; Grade 8 - 3:55 PM. Friday times will be staggered at 1:20/1:25/1:30 respectively.

US: Each day will begin with arrival between 8- 8:20 AM to minimize congestion while entering the building. Dismissal time from Monday - Thursday is 3:55 PM and on Fridays (first few of the year) at 2:15 PM.

  1. How will drop off and pick up be handled?

ECC: We are planning for a staggered arrival and dismissal time so that parents will be able to drop off and pick up ECC and LS students at the same time. To avoid mixing of cohorts, we will not be offering an early drop off or late pickup. Specific details will be sent to you closer to the start of school.

LS: We are planning for a staggered arrival and dismissal schedule to enable our parents to drop off and pick up ECC and LS students at the same time, with a K-4 staggered arrival time between 8-8:30 AM. Specific details will be sent to you closer to the start of school.

MS: Parents and caregivers will not be permitted to enter the building, even at pick up/drop off times. Should you arrive to pick up your child early, there will be awnings set up outside of the Middle School building in order to accommodate your wait in inclement weather. In general, if a parent wishes to schedule a meeting, he or she should contact the Middle School office.

US: Arrival and dismissal will comply with social distancing requirements, where students will maintain 6 ft between each other.

  1. Will there be after-school programming/clubs?

ECC/LS: An update will be sent to you closer to the start of school.

MS: All after-school clubs will take place virtually. We will be sending out our virtual club brochure closer to the start of school.

US: All after-school clubs will be virtual to allow students from different cohorts to participate in them.

  1. How will the US have tryouts for academic clubs?

Once we receive confirmation about which academic competitions are running this year, whether virtually or not, we will run those tryouts for each grade. Students will receive information about whether those tryouts will run virtually or live.

  1. Will there be an early drop off or extension for parents who have older kids in the school?

ECC/LS: We will not have early drop-off or extension after school. This is primarily due to the fact that we want children to remain in their cohort. Early drop-off, for example, would require mixing the children.

  1. With the difference in dismissal times among divisions, where are parents/caregivers and siblings going to be able to wait for the middle schoolers to be dismissed?

Outside of the building, with appropriate signage indicating social distancing markers. There will scaffolding set up outside of all three of the Ramaz School buildings in order to accommodate arrival and dismissal waiting in inclement weather.

  1. Are students going to be able to wait in the lobby or in a designated area until they can be picked up?

ECC/LS: Students will be escorted by their teachers outside of the building.

  1. Is there a policy for tutoring? Will the kids be allowed to be tutored in school after school hours?

There will be no tutoring inside of any of our buildings.

  1. Will the buildings be open after dismissal if students need to wait for someone to pick them up? What time do the buildings officially close?

ECC-MS: Students should be picked up as close to dismissal time as possible. We will be encouraging our faculty to go home as close to dismissal time as possible once all students are picked up in order to allow them to commute during non-rush hour times with less crowded public transportation. In addition, we want the cleaning crew to be able to do a thorough cleaning without interruption of other people in the spaces. As has been our practice during regular school months, buildings will close at 10 pm once the cleaning crew is done and the security staff has cleared and secured the premises.

US: Yes, it will be. We are not conducting after school clubs in the building, so students will not be permitted to stay in the building after school, but it will be open until all students leave for home in the event that there is a delay in their transportation home.


*Last updated on 1/1/21

  1. Will students have to wear masks inside and outside of the classrooms?

ECC: Based on the experiences of other schools that have already opened, as well as recommendations from our medical task force, all ECC children will be required to wear masks throughout the day, even in their classrooms.

LS-US: All students from grade 1 through grade 12 will be required to wear a mask in the classrooms and during transition times (arrivals, dismissals, in hallways/stairwells).

  1. What are the mask requirements? Will the school be providing masks that students will be required to wear or will parents have to purchase on their own? If parents are required to purchase, will the school indicate which manufacturers to purchase from, assuming they are the safest and appropriately protective masks?

Students will receive a Ramaz mask on the first day of school, but parents are encouraged to purchase additional masks from the vendors of their choice. Students are not required to wear the Ramaz masks.

Per the NYSDOH "Acceptable face coverings include but are not limited to cloth-based coverings (eg homemade sewn, quick cut, bandana) and surgical masks that cover both the mouth and nose."

  1. How does the school plan to address families traveling from areas that need to quarantine? Will families have to quarantine before school starts in order to protect those kids who have been socially distancing this entire time?

Please click HERE for the NYSDOH travel advisory page.

Many of you have asked about the new NYS travel guidelines. Please do not travel out-of-state for Thanksgiving or during the December break unless the travel is necessary. Even though New York Covid-19 rates are rising, the situation is much worse around the country and unnecessary travel puts yourselves and others in your orbit at avoidable risk.

If travel takes place out-of-state or internationally, Ramaz will require you to quarantine for 10-days upon your return.

Please note the following quarantine guidelines that have recently been adopted by the NYS Department of Health and will therefore be implemented at Ramaz.

Quarantine for Individuals Exposed to Covid-19

Quarantine for individuals exposed to Covid-19 can end after ten days without a testing requirement if no symptoms have been reported during the quarantine period.

Individuals must continue daily symptom monitoring through Day 14.

Individuals must be counseled to continue strict adherence to all recommended non-pharmaceutical interventions, including hand hygiene and the use of face coverings, through Day 14.

Individuals must be advised that if any symptoms develop, they should immediately self-isolate and contact the local public health authority or their healthcare provider to report this change in clinical status and determine if they should seek testing. Please contact your school nurse immediately if symptoms develop.

Quarantine for Individuals who Traveled Out of NY State

The 10-day quarantine requirements noted above are also applicable to travelers. For example, if your child has traveled out of the New York contiguous states, he/she is required to quarantine starting the day after their return for 10 days. On the 11th day, he/she may come out of quarantine.

  1. How does Ramaz plan to handle classes after vacations, like winter break, assuming some of the student body travels?

The remote audio-visual feed in to classes will be available to students who are quarantining due to travel.

Several health experts and organizations are asking people not to travel over the winter break because of the surge in cases of Covid. That said, we recognize that some of you may need to undertake essential travel. To help us plan ahead, it is mandatory for all families to complete the survey emailed to you, whether or not you are traveling. If you plan on traveling, your child/ren attending Ramaz must quarantine for 10 days upon your return.

As the survey information is so important, any family who does not fill out the survey will be assumed to have traveled and students from those families must abide by the mandatory post-travel quarantine beginning January 4.

  1. Should we be training our kids to wear masks for arrival and movement through halls, etc?

Although not a requirement, it's a good idea to have your child practice wearing his or her mask.

  1. Will Ramaz be requiring families to take any sort of precautions before school begins?

For families who are traveling out of the country or to high-risk states during the summer, we ask that you quarantine starting on August 25 for two weeks prior to the start of school on September 8. Please click HERE for the NYSDOH travel advisory page.

Families are encouraged to get the flu shot as soon as it becomes available.

  1. What are the school guidelines regarding attendance if someone has been exposed to someone who has tested positive and the impact on siblings ability to attend school? If one student must stay home, is the sibling also automatically supposed to stay home?

Guidance on Siblings who have a Symptomatic Family Member

  • All members of the family will be dismissed home or asked to remain at home.

  • Consult with you physician for further evaluation and Covid-19 diagnostic PCR testing for the symptomatic individual.

  • All family members should remain home until the results come in.

  • Contact you division health office once the results are in for further instructions or clearance to return to school.

  • If you have a child/parent/nanny who is not well, please don’t not send any other family members to school.

  1. Will the teachers be using hand sanitizer on younger children throughout the day? Will they be reminding older children to use hand sanitizer before class? Will they teach students how to apply sanitizer? What is the hand-sanitizing protocol for each division?

Everyone must use hand sanitizer upon entering the building at the security guard station. Younger students will be washing hands and using hand sanitizer, with teachers instructing them and applying as needed.

  1. Will there be temperature checks when coming in?

The Magnus App will include daily temp checks and symptom questions that will clear your child for school each day. If Magnus app is not completed your child will be denied entry and asked to return home and join online learning for the day. Nurses will be at the entrance doing random screenings and making sure no one enters that did not complete the remote screening and was not cleared to come to school.

  1. Where can parents get info on the Magnus App?

Please click HERE for more info on how to download and use the Magnus app.

  1. How will Ramaz adjust during change in seasons regarding healthy circulation of air in all divisions?

The upgrade to Merv13 filters on our unit ventilators will continuously support healthy air circulation during all seasons. In addition, the increased fresh-air intake through our HVAC system is a feature that works year-round. Even as the weather gets cooler, classroom windows will be open.

  1. Did you change soap dispensers to be non touch?

No. Clean hands are not touching the soap dispensers. The cleaning process happens post dispensing of the soap.

  1. Will there be hand-sanitizer available in each classroom?

Yes, and we have increased hand sanitizing stations throughout the buildings.

  1. What is the restroom use protocol?

There is no protocol. We are asking students to be mindful and responsible about not gathering to hang out in the
bathrooms. This will be an educational piece that will require cooperation and partnership with student responsibility.

  1. Will you install plexiglass dividers around student and teacher desks?

We are installing polycarbonate dividers for security and office staff. Since students will be masked and socially distanced, the polycarbonate dividers are deemed redundant. Polycarbonate dividers would be one more surface that needs to be thoroughly cleaned as it will become a "germ magnet" and we have been advised that if we have both the masks and social distance between kids, having one less possibly virus-covered surface to clean is preferable.

  1. What is being done to minimize the risk of teachers transmitting the virus to each other in their common spaces like break rooms?

Teachers have been given the same strict guidelines of remaining masked and maintaining social distance between themselves. Our faculty workrooms have been reconfigured for social distancing which has led us to create other teacher work spaces in smaller classrooms or areas that can no longer be used for student instruction (i.e. small learning center rooms).

  1. What additional security measures are being put in place given the rising crime -- especially near the 86th St train stop?

We are maintaining our high standards of security. We have an amazing security team and Mamadou Deme, our Director of Security, has been in the buildings almost daily during the entire pandemic. We have security consultants that we work and consult with (especially during the past few months with the uptick of crime and unrest in NYC) and follow their guidance.

  1. What are the repercussions for families not complying with the rules related to keep the school safe?

As you have heard on multiple occasions, the school has put in place significant structural changes and procedures in order to be able to continue our program in a safe manner. That said, the health and safety of our entire community is predicated on compliance with requirements both inside and outside of school. For that reason, Ramaz will be maintaining a zero tolerance stance on any violations of protocol, including failure to complete the Magnus health screening by 7:30 AM, mask wearing, and social distancing, as well as participating in activities outside of school that do not comport with these guidelines.

Failure to comply with our protocols will result in your child(ren) being excluded from the school buildings. This is not intended as a punishment, but as a necessary safety precaution; students will be able to continue accessing the learning program from home using the audiovisual feed. Though I recognize that this is severe, it is a necessary action towards ensuring our school is as safe as possible for students, faculty, and staff.

Early next week, we will be emailing a detailed list of expected partnership behaviors; you will be asked to sign a document that confirms its receipt and that the content has been read and understood. Receipt of the signed document will be a precondition for admittance to the buildings. Following is a general outline of these protocols:

Inside school: As we have noted in our fall planning updates, virtual divisional meetings, and in the most recent nurses’ letter, the safest way to minimize the risk of contracting Covid-19 is by wearing masks at all times, maintaining a distance of six feet apart, washing and sanitizing hands frequently, taking your child’s temperature before school and completing the Magnus screening app every day, and staying home when not feeling well. We ask you to discuss these safety guidelines with your children so they understand its importance.

Outside school: Whether it be non-school based sports activities, afterschool play groups, bar/bat mitzvah celebrations, Shabbat or family get-togethers during the chagim, we ask that everyone adhere to our health and safety protocols, including mandating that masks be worn all times, ensuring people stay six feet apart from one another, limiting the number of participants at a given event, quarantining after visiting a “hot spot” state, and holding gatherings outdoors (to the extent possible).

  1. Will Ramaz have lice checks this year?

Lice checks for the ECC/Lower/Middle School will not be done this year. You may visit Licenders to receive free checks at any time during the year if you feel it is necessary or have any concerns. They can be reached at 212-759-5200.

  1. What is the school doing to prevent Legionella bacterium from endangering students and staff in Ramaz buildings that have not been used regularly over the last few months? Are you planning on testing the water before school begins or shocking it with chlorine?

Ramaz has a Water Management Plan for each of the three school buildings. The plan addresses the risk of Legionella for cooling towers and the domestic water system via frequent testing, use of biocides and flushing. We have been diligent throughout the pandemic to keep up with these testing requirements especially while our buildings were unoccupied.


  1. Will students be using their lockers?

MS: No.

US: As part of a process of reviewing aspects of school life following the chagim, we recently met with Upper School students about their experience in the building given the new guidelines. They mentioned the challenges of carrying their backpacks around the building and asked about the use of lockers. We are pleased to share that we are accommodating this request.


*Last updated 10/1/20

  1. Will Ramaz be providing food services?

Ramaz will not be providing food service for the opening few weeks of school. One of the primary reasons for this is that during the early weeks, the orientation schedule, the gradual increase in attendance time for some grades, and families deciding whether or not to send their children to school, make it virtually impossible to provide the right quantities of lunch boxes, and meet the specific dietary requirements of individual students. This will be re-evaluated after the chagim as the school moves toward a more consistent schedule. As part of the re-evaluation process, we will invite feedback from parents and students.

We ask that each student from grades N-12 come to school each day with lunch and snacks. Please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Nursery through Grade 4: Please send in any KOSHER and ALLERGY-FRIENDLY (no peanuts, no tree nuts, no coconut, no sesame) meals and snacks. All food items should also NOT contain traces of any of these allergens.

  • Grades 5-8: Please send in any KOSHER and ALLERGY-FRIENDLY (no peanuts, no tree nuts, no coconut, no sesame) meals and snacks.

  • Grades 9-12: Please send in any KOSHER meals and snacks. (Students will not allowed to receive food deliveries to the school during the day.)

  • All Grades: Please send in a reusable water bottle. Water-fountains will not be available for use, but automatic water bottle fillers have been added to each of the buildings.

In January 2021, Ramaz will issue a credit to your account for the days that dining services were not provided from September to December (prorated for students who received assistance/discount).

  1. Where will lunch/ food services be carried out this year?

ECC: Individual lunches will be eaten at regular classroom tables.

LS-US: Individual lunches will be eaten while maintaining social distance. If the opportunity arises for students to eat outdoors, we will use every one of those opportunities. When that is not possible, students will stay in their class and eat at their desk.

  1. Is Parents Council providing lunch services this year?

A hakarat hatov to our Parents Council who has been working tirelessly with community vendors to help provide lunch for our students and ease the burden of our parents having to make and send in lunches.

Parents Council is now partnering with myFoodDays.com, 18 Restaurant, Mazza & More, Olive Tree Caterers, Park East Kosher Butchers, and Zami Caterers to deliver to our buildings delicious lunches every day including sandwiches, salads, pizza, wraps, mazza, and sushi. All orders can be placed on the MyFoodDays website up to one month in advance

Please email pc@ramaz.org if you have any additional questions.

  1. Will there be reimbursement for the regular lunch program?

As of now, Ramaz’s food service program is suspended through December 31, 2020. Therefore, you will receive a credit for the dining services portion of your tuition payments. The credit for dining services not provided from September through December will be issued in January 2021 (prorated for students who received any form of tuition assistance) and reflected on your My BackPack account.

  1. Can US students eat lunch on the roof or in Central Park or at any other outside location?

Students will have opportunities to use the terrace and Central Park during the day, with appropriate faculty monitoring to ensure maximum safety.

  1. Will Upper School students have access to school vending machines?

As part of a process of reviewing aspects of school life following the chagim, we recently met with Upper School students about their experience in the building given the new guidelines. They noted that because they are not allowed to leave 78th street to get food, they were hoping we could re-open the vending machines so they have access to snacks during the day. We are pleased to share that we are accommodating this request.

  1. How are you planning to minimize food allergy cross-contamination in the classrooms?

Students will not be allowed to share food whether the lunch is school or home-provided. We will reinforce this in school but need your partnership at home to help educate our children about this importance for Pikuach Nefesh.


  1. What are the cohorts?

N-Pre-K: According to the CDC and NYS guidelines, the best way to lessen the impact of the virus if someone were to get infected is by organizing students into "cohorts."

  • Students in each of our classes will be considered a cohort and will remain together throughout the day.

  • Students and their teachers will not be mixing with other cohorts.

  • For this coming year, each cohort will have approximately 12-15 students.

Kindergarten Cohorts: Each kindergarten class will be considered a cohort. There will be 15 students in each cohorts; with four cohorts for the kindergarten grade. Each cohort will have three teachers.

Grades 1 - 4: Depending on the size of the room, the cohorts will have 7-14 students. Classes with higher numbers (13-14) of students will have an additional teacher for all or part of the day. (Grade 1: 8 cohorts, Grade 2: 7 cohorts, Grade 3: 8 cohorts, Grade 4: 7-12 cohorts (classes located in the Middle School).

MS: According to the CDC and NYS guidelines, the best way to lessen the impact of the virus if someone were to get infected is by organizing students into "cohorts." Students in each of our WXYZ classes will be considered a cohort and
will remain together throughout the day. As of now, they will not be mixing with other cohorts, however, faculty will be
teaching different cohorts. For this coming year, we will have the following number of cohorts, with each cohort ranging
from approximately 1
3-22 students:

  • Grade 5 - three cohorts

  • Grade 6 - four cohorts

  • Grade 7 - three cohorts

  • Grade 8 - three cohorts

We are closely following the health situation and guidelines to determine whether we will be able to expand the cohorts
include an entire grade as a single cohort. We will keep you informed of any changes we may be permitted to make.

US: Each grade will be considered its own cohort. As of now, the size of each grade yielded the following combinations and arrangements:

  • Grades 9 and 11 will be in the building three days a week: Monday, Wednesday and Friday (please note that there are only two Fridays until after the chagim).

  • Grades 10 and 12 will be in the building on Tuesday and Thursday.

  1. Will Ramaz consider using outdoor space as a classroom for students while the weather allows it?

Yes. We recognize the importance of our students getting as much fresh air as possible and have been working to maximize the outdoor spaces in our buildings as well as take advantage of Central Park. Here’s a window into how the students have been enjoying the outside air:

  • ECC/LS – Each week, our ECC has been going on a neighborhood walk (e.g., to the Fire Station, Central Park, etc) and having play time on the roof and 5th floor. Grades 1-3 are enjoying activities on the roof, while grade 4 is going to Central Park weekly and playing on the MS roof.

  • MS - Students have been using Central Park regularly for lunch, PE, team building activities, and academic classes, such as public speaking. The Middle School 6th floor terrace is now being used as a space for faculty to hold classes and also for them to have lunch, meet, or get some fresh air.

  • US – As you may have heard or seen, 78th street between Park and Madison is closed through November. Students have been enjoying socially-distanced lunches, classes, advisory, and even a game of ping pong! Today, we had an ice cream truck for our freshmen and juniors; tomorrow for our sophomores and seniors. The third floor terrace is open every day and is being used for lunch, gym classes, and occasional other classes (and because it is covered, it can be used rain or shine).

  1. What in-class computer use will be taking place? Will students receive their own devices or will they be shared? If shared, how frequently and will you be disinfecting devices? Or are students required to bring their devices from home?

K-LS: As part of our commitment to providing your children an even more robust learning experience, we want to ensure that each Ramaz student has a computing device that will allow for seamless transition between in-school learning and remote or blended learning. In K-4, we believe that an iPad - equipment with a keyboard as necessary and managed by Ramaz - is the correct device.

  • To help us finalize our plans in this regard, we are asking each family to complete this survey before school opens to help us to better understand how we can support having an iPad for each Ramaz K-4 student.

Please know that if your child does not have a device to use, we will work diligently to provide one.

MS: Students will not share devices. Everyone will bring their own device. If you do not own one, we have a limited number of chrome books available through the Board of Ed. To request a chrome book, please email Beverly Hunter at hunterb@ramaz.org.

US: There will not be any sharing of devices at all. We will expect students to use only their own light devices for any note-taking or access to texts and sources. Many of our students (and teachers) prefer manual note-taking, which does minimize screen distraction, but we recommend that devices (not phones) are brought to school regularly in case teachers would like students to work at their computers or view slides that may not easily be seen on a wall screen in a socially distanced classroom.

  1. Are US students allowed to leave during the day (e.g., privileges)?

We are maximizing the instructional time on days when our students are in the building so that there will not be any scheduled free periods for students to leave during the day. In addition, for health and safety reasons, students will not be permitted to leave during the day, even for lunch.

  1. Where will tefilah be?

LS: Tefilah each morning will be in the individual classrooms.

MS: Tefilah each morning will be in the individual classrooms. We anticipate that our eighth grade classes will be able to daven with a minyan.

US: Tefilah will be divided into 4 or 5 groups per grade and will take place in larger spaces with appropriate social distancing. Those groups will include a Sephardic minyan.

  1. If a teacher is forced to quarantine or is absent for a long period, what is the back up plan for teaching the classes?

ECC: There will be a substitute teacher.

LS: There will either be a substitute teacher or the teacher will zoom in their instruction.

MS: Teachers will either Zoom in their instruction or assign independent work. We will have additional, in-person supervision when teachers are zooming in.

US: To the best of our ability, when students are in the building, their classes will be taught live. This will include an extensive coverage system, where teachers will ‘cover’ for their colleagues to ensure for the continuity of the curriculum and/or allow for opportunities for students to interact with different teachers, even if a teacher is out.

  1. How do absences and latenesses work?

ECC: Attendance policy remains unchanged. Please let us know of special circumstances.

LS: Attendance policy remains unchanged. Please let us know of special circumstances.

MS: The attendance policy remains unchanged. If there are special circumstances, please let the office know.

US: Attendance will be taken at the beginning of the academic day. We rely on parents to inform us promptly before school starts when a student will be absent or late to school with an explanation for the absence or lateness.

  1. With the hybrid model, how will that translate in practical terms with regards to bringing all their textbooks, binders, workbooks, etc. back and forth between school and home and keeping track of all the academic materials?

MS: Students may use the inside of their desks to store items during the school day but should take care not to leave anything of value unattended. Items such as phones should be kept turned off inside a student’s backpack. Since 7-8 Graders will be learning in the same classrooms, they should be sure to empty their desks on the last day of school each week.

US: We hope to distribute textbooks at the beginning of classes for students to keep and use at home. Many of our teachers do not customarily expect the heavier textbooks to be brought to class each day in any case. We will be asking teachers to post on Schoology any handouts needed for class. Students will need a workable printer at home to print out the PDF documents and bring them to school when asked. We recommend a light and efficient organizational note-taking system, such as separate notebooks for each subject, so as to minimize the weight of school bags that will need to be brought from class to class and from home to school in the absence of locker use. As much as possible, PDFs of texts for class will substitute for a full textbook, workbook, Chumash, or Talmud.

  1. What is the school planning in regard to addressing the inevitable anxiety/concerns students will have given the situation?

N-Pre-K:The transition back to school, while very exciting, will be challenging in various ways. Students will need to adjust to social/physical distancing, a sense of loss of the old way of going to school and dealing with feeling more vulnerable in public. We consider your child’s social emotional well-being especially critical as we prepare for reintegrating into school. Our Early Childhood program has always been embedded with a foundation of social emotional learning, which is a critical component of child development. Now more than ever, we are committed to ensuring that all children and families feel supported during this unprecedented time. Towards that end, we are planning for the following:

  • Call from School Psychologist: Before the start of school, Lillian Amar, our school psychologist, will be reaching out to each family. Children’s individual responses to stressful situations are unique and it is our goal to address any concerns you may have, while also providing strategies and resources for helping your child best prepare for returning to school.

  • Video from Teachers: We will be sharing a video prepared by your children’s teachers, which will take you on a virtual tour of the classroom. Teachers will also be introducing themselves to your children with and without masks on, as preparation for the protocols we will have in place this year.

  • Teacher Training: We are committed to making sure our teachers receive training on how to speak to and support children during and after the Covid -19 pandemic. Once school begins, our teachers will be in touch with families on a regular basis to support any children who need extra care and attention.

  • Frequent Check-Ins Between School Psychologist and Teachers: Lillian Amar will also be meeting with the teachers and checking in on cohorts regularly, in addition to providing support for families as needed.

Addressing the emotional health of your children throughout the COVID-19 pandemic is of utmost importance to us. We are committed to providing our families with best practice interventions to guarantee that we are addressing the emotional needs of our youngest children

K-LS: In addition to safeguarding our students’ and staff’s physical health and safety, we are also keenly focused on the social-emotional health of our kehilah, and mitigating the impact of social isolation on our students and educational staff. This will be accomplished through re-engaging our students with dynamic, hands-on learning opportunities, furthering already-established relationships, and continuing to build a strong foundation for academic success.

With these goals in mind, our school psychologist, guidance, and leadership team will continue to support the growth and development of the whole child, maintain a sense of community and togetherness, and position your children to be their best selves both inside and outside the classroom. We will regularly plan and facilitate the following throughout the school year to develop our goals:

  • Smooth Transitions: Ensuring a smooth transition back to a traditional learning environment (any time we are away from school) will be our guidance team’s top priority. Our warm and approachable team is always available to provide counsel, guidance and answer any questions that may arise.

  • Teacher training: Teachers and staff will engage in professional development to help students better understand and process the impact of Covid-19 on their educational lives in the classroom. Teachers will learn to recognize the subtle changes in students that may indicate an increased level of anxiety and have been instructed to freely share their observations with our school psychologist and leadership team members so the appropriate support can be made available to students and families.

  • Students take cues of how to respond in a given situation from the trusted adults in their lives. To that end, faculty members will model appropriate coping skills and attitudes regarding the upcoming school year. Students’ questions will be referred to the most appropriate professional and will be answered in an honest, calm and supportive manner.

  • Ongoing Support: Our guidance team will continue to offer a range of support to our families, including teacher consultations, push-in sessions with classes to focus on mindfulness and resilience, check-ins with students, and targeted individual and small group counseling. Additionally, ongoing initiatives and programs to promote optimism, camaraderie and social connectedness will be designed to maintain the warm and inclusive environment at Ramaz.

  • Home-School Partnership: To help our students thrive, a partnership between school and home is critical. The guidance team of each division is available for consultation with families throughout the school year and will proactively reach out to parents to discuss targeted interventions and support for students. Please reach out to our professionals with any questions or concerns.

MS: The transition back to school, while very exciting, will be challenging in various ways. Students will need to adjust to social/physical distancing, a sense of loss of the old way of going to school and dealing with feeling more vulnerable in public. We consider your child’s social emotional well-being especially critical as we prepare for re-integrating into school.

Towards that end, we have a two-phased plan:

  • Before school begins we will provide you strategies for helping your child best prepare for school return and seek your input about specific concerns you and your child may have anticipating the start of school.

  • The second phase, once school begins, will include regular student check-ins. We are also particularly committed to providing specific, creative resources for students who may be in self-quarantine and those disproportionately impacted, both emotionally or in terms of special learning needs.

Aspects of our advisory program will be revamped in light of COVID-19 to to help students verbalize what they are experiencing, deal with feelings of loss, manage worry, express gratitude and practice mindfulness techniques. In addition, faculty will receive special training in how to talk to and support children during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. As always, families can expect an email or call from each child's adviser a few days before we return to school.

US: Our administrators, directors of guidance, grade deans, teachers and advisers have been keenly aware of the increase in levels of anxiety among our students. They will also undergo some further training by our directors of guidance who have over the summer participated in professional conferences addressing the unique factors that the current crisis entails and appropriate methods of preparing faculty to respond to signs of anxiety in our students. During student orientations, we will speak to students about how to identify and cope with such feelings, whether they observe it in themselves or in fellow students.

We will soon send a confidential form/checklist for all parents to complete that will provide us important information about the family’s experience of the challenges they faced in recent months that will help to inform our response to an individual student’s needs.

12. Will there be school over Sukkot?

School will be virtual during Chol HaMoed Sukkot.


  1. Will virtual learning be available to every student if he/she cannot attend school in person?

N-Pre-K: To learn about the Ramaz Virtual Neighborhood model that will be implemented for the N and Pre-K students in the event of required virtual learning, please click HERE.

K-12: Yes. Each class will have an audio-visual component that will allow students to learn remotely if necessary.

  1. Can a student decide to do online school as needed? What is the process to sign up for virtual learning?

LS: Yes. A student can do online learning as needed. Please let us know in advance.

MS: Yes. A student can do online learning as needed. If you plan to learn from home for the duration of the semester please let us know. At any time, a student can choose to take classes remotely. If you know in advance that you will be out for an extended period of time, please notify the school office. A Zoom schedule will be provided for each child.

US: Yes, but you should let their advisor and head of school know in advance.

  1. Will the virtual classes be recorded?

ECC-LS: Classes will not be recorded.

MS: Classes will not be recorded.

US: Students who are absent from school will have access to an audio-visual link to the classroom teacher.


*Last updated on 1/1/21

  1. What should you do if your child or any member of your family is exposed to Covid-19?

Please send an email to covidreporting@ramaz.org and a member of our Health Care team will be in touch with you.

  1. What should I do if a family member is suspected or confirmed of having COVID -19?

Guidance on the Contacts of a Close or Proximate Contact of a Confirmed or Suspected Case can be found HERE.

  1. What are Ramaz's guidelines for how/when it will shut down?

The current guidelines from the DOE are as follows:

1 confirmed case: Cohort will be closed for 10 days - may impact other grades if teacher teaches multiple grades. May impact bus driver - necessitate a sub driver.

2 confirmed cases: Cohort will be closed for 10 days

2 confirmed cases in the same school but in different cohorts or departments (staff) will trigger a closing of the building for 24 hours to clean and consult with the DOH for further guidance.

  1. Does the school follow the NYC Board of Ed? The NY Department of Health? Our immediate guidance comes from the NYCDOH. We must report every positive case to the NYCDOH who will help in contact tracing and advice on cohort/school closures.

  1. What happens if someone comes down with COVID-19 related symptoms during the school day?

In the event that a student or faculty/staff member becomes infected with the virus or shows symptoms, he or she will be brought to a designated COVID isolation room on the same floor as the nurse's office, which will be properly ventilated, outfitted with a HEPA air scrubber unit, and have windows. If deemed necessary for a faculty member to stay with a student, the faculty member will be suited up with more PPE (face shield, gloves, and gown) for protection in the isolation room. Students should be picked up immediately and families should follow up with their doctor. If testing has determined that you do not have COVID, then you may return to school with the negative COVID test results and being symptom free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication.


  • All members of the family will be dismissed home or asked to remain at home.

  • You must consult with your physician for further evaluation and COVID-19 diagnostic PCR testing for the symptomatic individual.

  • All family members should remain home until the results come in.

  • You must contact your division health office once the results are in for further instructions or clearance to return to school.

  • The cohort of that individual will not be asked to go home, as 1) they do not have the same close exposure as a family member, and 2) the students in the cohort are wearing masks and staying 6 feet apart which significantly reduces the spread of the virus

  1. What happens if someone who is not assigned to a specific cohort comes down with the virus, like someone from the maintenance staff or an admin? Does the entire school close?

If there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the building we will report it to the NYC DOH and will assist them with contact tracing. The NYC DOH will determine and monitor who must isolate or quarantine for all students, faculty and staff.

  1. What will the policy be for children with antibodies who are exposed as part of their cohort? Will they be treated the same as kids without antibodies?

We are not differentiating between those who carry antibodies and those who don't.

  1. What are the return-to-school protocols for students who were sent home having been screened (but not confirmed) for COVID?

Students who are sent home with symptoms of COVID-19 or who are not cleared to go to school on the Magnus remote screening app due to symptoms of COVID-19 must meet these requirements to return to school:

  • Have documentation of a negative PCR (lab-confirmed diagnostic) COVID-19 test

  • Have been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication

  • Have overall improvement of their symptoms

9. What are the return-to-school protocols following a positive COVID 19 test?

Students who test positive for COVID-19 must meet these requirements to return to school:

  • Isolate for a minimum of 10 days

  • Have been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication

  • Have overall improvement of their symptoms

If there is a positive case of COVID-19 in school, parents will be notified. Please note, close contacts will be determined and called by the NYC Test & Trace Corps in conjunction with the NYC Department of Health. The NYC Test & Trace Corps will implement monitoring of COVID-19 infected or exposed students/faculty/staff including isolation or quarantine.

  1. What happens if a learning center student becomes positive for COVID (there is generally one or two students in a classroom plus the specialist)?

Kids are not being pulled out of the main cohort room to go to learning center. There are accommodations/space being made within the existing cohort classroom to get the support they need so they don't mix with other cohorts and still get the learning center needs met.


*last updated on 1/1/2021

  1. How are you managing six feet apart in between classes? In hallways? In stairwells?

All desks/chairs in grades 1-12 have been set to be 6 feet apart. There will be signage in the hallways and stairwells reminding everyone to socially distance. It will not be possible every minute of every day in those areas which is why it is important that everyone remain masked in those locations (and bathrooms). Mask breaks for mask fatigue will be encouraged when students are 6 feet apart and preferably outside.

  1. What happens during fire drills?

Regular fire and lockdown drills will take place. Everyone will need to be masked as the possibility of social distancing won't be assured.

  1. Will the Upper School auditorium/gym be rented out for smachot?

No, we are not renting out the Upper School for any outside even

  1. Are playdates and sleepovers allowed?

We continue to receive questions and requests for clarifications regarding events, playdates, and activities that take place outside of school. While we welcome these inquiries and hope that they continue, we also want to make clear that a family checking in with the school about an event does not equate to the school giving its approval. The school is not in a position to guarantee how an event will unfold and often even the family cannot predict every aspect. It is important for each of you to check with the hosts of an event or playdate and ask about social distancing guidelines so that you can be comfortable with any decision. That said, I would like to take this opportunity to clarify the core guidelines:

  • Playdates: It is preferable for playdates to take place outside, however, if they move inside, then the participant and any host family members should be masked and six feet apart at all times. Wherever possible, eating should take place outside even if the weather is cold. If indoors, then it is essential that there is a minimum of six feet between the visitor and host.

  • Sleepovers are not permissible at any time.

  • Bar/Bat Mitzvah Celebrations: Please click here to remind yourself of the guidelines for bar/bat mitzvah. As an additional precaution, we are requiring all immediate family members of the celebrants to quarantine for 10 days after the event.

  1. What is the school's guidance on indoor gatherings? (Guidance from Governor Cuomo)

As Covid-19 cases rise, the Governor has limited the size of private gatherings to 10 people. Thanksgiving dinners can be celebrated most safely if you limit the group to only your immediate household. If you are going to spend time with people outside of your household, there are steps you can take to mitigate risk:

  • Be outside as much as possible.

  • If indoors, wear a mask at all times that it is possible to do so. Open windows to increase ventilation if you can. Keep six feet or more of distance and limit the amount of time you spend at indoor gatherings.

  • Remember that Covid-19 spreads among strangers, but it also spreads among friends.

  1. What is the school's guidance on indoor sports?

Indoor Sports: As winter approaches and events are being moved indoors, we have had a number of questions about the school's position regarding indoor sport activity. As with all these questions, Ramaz can give some guidelines, however, parents need to be responsible for determining whether an event or activity is being carried out according to the guidelines and to their comfort level. If you are concerned, we suggest that you either don't allow your child to participate or you remain with them at the activity to ensure it adheres to the proper safety protocols. Athletic Activities can take place indoors, provided that participants, including instructors, coaches, and other employees, are masked and at least 6 feet apart at all times. There can be no contact sports because it is the physical proximity and contact that is most likely to be the cause of the virus spreading. In the event that a participant is found to be positive for Covid-19, all participants in the event (even if they were following the guidelines), will need to be in quarantine for 10 days in the same way as a cohort would need to.


*Last updated 12/18/20

  1. Will Ramaz require its students to be tested prior to the start of school?

Ramaz will not be requiring its students or staff to be tested for Covid-19 ahead of the school year. We know that this is an important issue, and one where we have received multiple reasonable and legitimate perspectives, concerns, and suggestions. We also know that some of our sister schools are requiring testing and some, like Ramaz, are not. We have listened carefully to various viewpoints and made our decision based on the science, guidance from the larger scientific community, and most important, in consultation with our team of medical experts, all of whom recommended against testing, and also weighed the perception that it would create a baseline before school began that could offer peace of mind.

Our decision to not require testing was based on a few factors:

Covid-19 Test Snapshot in Time. Our major reason for not testing is that a Covid-19 result only provides information as to whether a person was positive or negative in the specific moment at which he or she was tested. For example, if a student takes a test on a given day, unless they remain in quarantine until receiving the result, there is no way to ensure they haven’t been exposed to Covid-19 after they took the test. Therefore, testing does not ensure a “level playing field” where everyone who would enter the school buildings with a negative test result would still in fact be negative.

PCR Nasal Swab Only Reliable Test. The only way for everyone to enter school with a presumed negative result is to have a reliable test given at the door on the first day of school. Unfortunately, this is not possible because the only reliable test is the PCR nasal swab which now can take anywhere between three to 17 days for a result. A rapid test, as well as a saliva test, are not advisable, as they have a significant potential for false negatives and false positives.

False Sense of Security. Additionally, there has been much discussion about how testing before school could actually create a false sense of security because if a negative test result was received several days before school begins, it might lead the student/family to be less focused on safety protocols moving forward, as they know that they will be providing the school with a negative test result.

Please be assured that we will take all beneficial actions and precautions to minimize risk, even if they are onerous and labor intensive. The most important message we can reiterate is that: The best way to ensure a safe start to the year is for ALL families to be taking precautions now to ensure mask wearing, social distancing, and sensible behaviors. There are no guarantees and we cannot rule out that an asymptomatic student or staff member will come to school when infected, yet we know that the potential impact of that student/staff member will be significantly diminished by the health and safety guidelines in place. As the pediatric epidemiologist who is on the team advising the school stated, “masks are like seat belts; they work!"

  1. Will Ramaz be testing its students every day? On site? Off site?

No. Ramaz itself will not become a COVID testing site; neither by our own nursing staff nor by a third party hosted testing company.

  1. Are there going to be any requirements or suggestions for testing regularly for students and their families?

In accordance with the NYS Department of Health guidelines, we have instituted the following measures:

Health Screening/Testing: All employees (on behalf of themselves) and parents (on behalf of their children) will be asked to download the Magnus app to their phones to self-report and each day and will answer a series of symptom checking questions. This will include a temperature check and will instruct employees/students whether or not to proceed to school based on their answers.

The remote screening accomplishes two main things:

    1. Helps keep anyone sick or feeling symptomatic at home and away from the school community to help stop the spread of the virus

    2. Alleviate the time it takes to check in to the school building in the morning so we can maximize the on-site classroom/learning time

We are looking into off-site testing options, but currently the professional medical community does not require regular Covid-19 testing.

In addition, on the subject of testing the CDC states, Universal SARS-CoV-2 testing of all students and staff in school settings has not been systematically studied. It is not known if testing in school settings provides any additional reduction in person-to-person transmission of the virus beyond what would be expected with implementation of other infection prevention measures (e.g. social distancing, cloth-face covering, hand washing, enhanced cleaning and disinfecting). Therefore, CDC does not recommend universal testing of all students and staff.

4. What happens if Ramaz is deemed as part of a micro-cluster zone? What sort of testing can we anticipate?

If our buildings are put into a color zone, we will not be required to close the school for four days. We would have to test 20% if in the orange zone and 30% in the red zone. As you know, we partnered with a testing clinic that can process labs within 16 hours (assuming parents submitted the Google form requesting health insurance information). The testing will be done on Sundays with parent supervision. If you don’t fill out the form, you can still come in and give your information; it will just take a few more days to process. Of course, you can do the testing through your own clinic. (Students who are learning remotely full time will not require testing.)

5. What are the latest guidelines for students presenting with Covid symptoms?

New NYSDOH guidelines require any student presenting with Covid symptoms to be evaluated and tested within 48 hours of symptom onset. If a child is not evaluated, tested, or is tested but results are pending, the child will be considered positive and his/her cohort may be quarantined by the DOH after 48 hours. It is imperative that you immediately report any absence from school due to illness to the appropriate health office. This is necessary for everyone's health and safety and will prevent any unnecessary closures.

Testing sites: CLICK HERE FOR REPUTABLE TESTING CENTERS with good turnaround times.


*Last updated on 1/1/2021

  1. Will busing be available for this year?

For grades 6-12 students who live outside of Manhattan and have expressed interest in private transportation, we are still finalizing with bus companies. Our relationship with Supertrans has deteriorated so we are looking to work with other companies for our routes. Rainbow will still be our NJ bus provider. Social distancing will not be possible on school buses. The windows will be kept open and students and drivers will be required to wear masks the entire time. If a student on a bus becomes COVID positive, the contact tracing will flow to the group of students on the bus and trigger a 10 day self isolation for all students and the driver on that bus.

  1. What are the health and safety measures being put into effect with regard to transportation?

Social distancing will not be possible on school buses. The windows will be kept open and students and drivers will be required to wear masks the entire time.

  1. Are students allowed to take public transportation?


  1. Are students allowed to take car services?


  1. Will all the students on a particular bus be considered a cohort?

If a student or driver does become Covid Positive, then the entire bus population will be considered to have first degree exposure and need to self-isolate for 10 days.


  1. For Nursery and Pre-K students, will tuition be reduced if the school goes to virtual learning?

Given the uncertainties associated with the upcoming school year, we recognize that parents want to know how the educational model affects tuition costs. As mentioned above, there is a likelihood that at some point we may need to transition to a virtual learning model. If you don’t want to participate in a virtual learning model, below are the various scenarios and options available:

  • Building Closure Prior to Official Start of School: If we are informed prior to September 8, that we are not permitted to open our buildings for an in-person program, we will return your deposit and any tuition that was paid.

  • Building Opens But Closes Temporarily: If the buildings open and then we have to close them for a short period of time (less than 30 consecutive days), the fee schedule remains as is and we will not be offering refunds or credits.

  • Building Opens But Closes for Extended Period of Time: If school starts with an in-person program, but then has to close for an extended period of time (more than 30 consecutive days - calendar days), at day 31 you have the option of terminating your student contract with Ramaz for the remainder of the school year. If you choose to terminate your student contract, you will receive a tuition refund from the date of termination until the end of the school year. This refund is calculated based on the “tuition” line of the tuition and fee schedule for 2020-2021.

  • Change in Plans to Attend Ramaz: If a parent has already signed a contract and made a tuition payment, but decides not to send their child to Nursery or Pre-K, you have until August 1, 2020, to inform us and any tuition paid will be refunded; the deposit is not refundable.

  1. For Grades K-12, will tuition be affected if the school goes to virtual learning?

We know parents are anxious to know how the structure for next year's learning will impact their tuition costs. The school has been working diligently to get the building ready and open in a safe and secure manner. As you can see from this letter and previous schoolwide updates, we have been making major investments in health and safety equipment, personnel (e.g., extra nurses) and technology to ensure the buildings are up to current standards, and retain the proper faculty and staff to maintain the excellent standard of learning we have come to expect and rely on. That being said, depending on what mode of learning we find ourselves in, we will be actively reviewing our expenses to see what can be reduced. Should we realize savings, we are committed to sharing those savings with parents. Please remember that for short-term closures or when switching back and forth from in-school to virtual learning, we still need to maintain the same quality and quantity of teachers to instruct our students.