
For school announcements be sure to check and

Class Announcements::

From Mr. Rivera: Hello parents. Welcome to our 2021-2022 school year. Thank you for signing up for my class at Bloomz. It's been an exciting yet interesting year so far. We have had important discussions centered around our day-to-day routines, social distancing, and keeping each other and our families safe. It's easy to see from our student's faces just how much they missed being in school and seeing their friends in person. This week I administered a math diagnostic. This is a very valuable tool in helping me understand my student's areas of strength and needs heading into fifth grade. I will use the information gathered from this data to provide students with opportunities to strengthen these areas. Having a strong foundation is key in achieving success at every grade level. As we work to strengthen foundational skills we will also begin introducing new grade-level concepts and skills. This week we launched our first unit of study which focuses on place value of whole numbers and decimals as well as developing an understanding of powers of 10. Students and parents may visit math resources at our google site for very helpful videos and resources I will be posting throughout the year. These videos are connected with the concepts taught in class to help students review them throughout the year.