Martha Wickham - Circle of Roses - Release Blitz

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The Mystery of Frankenstein's Bride Series


Date Published: 06-24-2022

Stopping the unstoppable is what Rose Cortez does best.

Terra, Frankenstein's ex, is using the old electric machine to bring the dead back for fun now. After running into zombies her old psychic Rose must do something about the machine Frankenstein's Bride can't give up. Is there a way to get the machine away from her and her terror of lurking zombies? Rose and her band of psychics find out when one of them is found dead.

Rose is a powerful psychic detective and ghost hunter. Revenge is what she wants after the death one year ago of her husband. Now her psychic comrade is dead too and she's had enough. Terra's second life can't last forever. The way to stop her is not so easy!

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Martha has studied writing with Writer's Digest. She is the author of many short stories and books and still likes getting writing prompts.

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Twitter @MarthaWickham

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