Fred Snyder - Of Lessons Lost - Book Blitz

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Historical Fiction

Date Published: November 4, 2022

Publisher: ‎Fred Snyder

This fast paced novel opens with brothers Yaakov and Lazer's daring escape from the back of a Nazi vehicle en route to their execution in occupied Poland. Surviving alone in the woods untl the war ends, the brothers return to their hometown in search of Wilus Chomelstien, the mayor that had informed the Germans of their plans to organize an armed resitance. The brothers want Wilus to pay for his disloyalty. But the outcome of their meeting with Wilus will haunt them and their descendants far into the future.

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I am a retired senior executive for a fortune 100 company. Years ago my first novel (Ezekiel’s Vision) was launched via a conventional book publisher. My new self-published novel is titled: OF LESSONS LOST.

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