Shyla Colt - Dawn of the Fire Elemental - Virtual Book Tour

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Romantic Fantasy

Date Published: February 14, 2022

Publisher: Inspired Ink


My friends were stolen by the Fae. Their presence has been all but erased from the internet, and their absence was explained away to family and friends. Seeing the minds of grief-stricken parents completely altered drove home how dangerous the path I’m traveling is. Still, I won’t give up until I locate Elia and Roan. Even if the other member of our found family, Glenn, is too scared to act. Digging further into their disappearance, I use my magic and connections to seek knowledge and forge a relationship with the mysterious beings that have terrified me my entire life. Astral travel has opened my universe up. The teachers I’m forced to trust will be my ruin or a crash course in survival in the deadly realm I’m determined to breach.


I never imagined the silly witch with traces of Fae blood would end up being my mate. I’ll protect her at all costs, even against herself. Bickering with the woman who comes into a power that rivals my own wakes more than my dormant emotions. Fire licks at my skin and races through my veins, engulfing us and fueling our muscles. The child of the Holly King has died, and the Summer Court will soon follow. I’m not sure the realm on the brink of civil war and destruction should be saved. If my mate doesn’t take the place of the fallen, the lands will go dark. Threatened by our rise, we’re attacked by dark powers who have no idea the depths I’ll sink to in order to keep what’s mine safe.

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Virtual Book Tour - March 8 - March 19

March 8 - RABT Book Tours - Kick Off

March 9 - Liliyana Shadowlyn - Spotlight

March 9 - Nesie's Place - Excerpt

March 10 - Book Reviews by Virginia Lee - Spotlight

March 11 - Jazzy's Book Reviews - Excerpt

March 13 - Brittany's Book Blog - Excerpt

March 14 - Joss's Corner - Excerpt

March 14 - Our Town Book Reviews - Spotlight

March 15 - The Avid Reader - Interview

March 16 - On a Reading Bender - Review

March 17 - The Indie Express - Review

March 18 - Book Junkiez - Excerpt

March 19 - Valerie Ullmer - Excerpt

March 19 - RABT Reviews - Wrap Up *

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USA Today Bestselling author Shyla Colt is a chaos wrangler, chronic crafter, and imaginary friend collector. The mom of two and a wife road trips with her weird brood when she's not taking on a new hobby or bingeing on spooky podcasts and documentaries. She writes strong women with sass, plenty of nerdy tendencies, and the intriguing intense males who love them. She can be reached at

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Twitter: @shylacolt



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