Mike Murphey - Wasting Time - Audiobook Tour

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Physics, Lust and Greed Series Book 2

Humorous Science Fiction

Date Published: 12/2/21

Publisher: Acorn Publishing

When time travelers fail test after test to significantly alter the past, most financial backers abandon the Global Research Consortium leaving veteran traveler Marta Hamilton to administer a vastly scaled-down project. She must protect the past from a greedy future, fend off political meddling, and foil a murder plot originating in a parallel universe. She presides over a conspiracy to hide the truth of her best friend’s death while coping with a confusing and discomforting romantic entanglement involving fellow traveler Marshall Grissom.

Marta, who has by professional necessity always distanced herself from emotional commitment, lapsed by allowing herself the luxury of friendship with Sheila Schuler and a night of wild sex with Marshall. Now, Sheila is probably dead, and—according to a genius physicists’ theory—Marshall soon will be. As she assumes her role as administrator of the time travel program, Marta must choose between the risks of loving someone, or the lonely safety of emotional solitude.

(No cats were harmed in the telling of this story.)

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Audiobook Tour - February 21 - March 18

February 21 - RABT Book Tours - Kick Off

February 22 - Book Junkiez - Audio Excerpt

February 23 - Book Reviews by Virginia Lee - Spotlight

February 24 - Tea Time and Books - Spotlight

February 25 - Momma and Her Stories - Excerpt

February 26 - Nana's Book Reviews - Spotlight

February 28 - Liliyana Shadowlyn- Spotlight

March 1 - My Reading Addiction - Spotlight

March 2 - Sapphyria's Book Blog - Spotlight *

March 3 - The Sexy Nerd Revue - Spotlight

March 4 - The Indie Express - Review

March 5 - Momma Says to Read or Not to Read - Spotlight

March 7 - Novel News Network - Review

March 8 - Our Town Book Reviews - Spotlight

March 9 - A Life Through Books - Interview

March 10 - The Faerie Review - Spotlight

March 11 - Texas Book Nook - Review

March 14 - The Avid Reader - Interview

March 16 - The Page Ladies - Review

March 17 - Valerie Ullmer - Audio Excerpt

March 18 - RABT Reviews - Wrap Up

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Mike Murphey is a native of New Mexico and spent almost thirty years as an award-winning newspaper journalist in the Southwest and Pacific Northwest. His debut novel, Section Roads, has been recognized by Indie Reader Discovery Awards, Reader Views Reviewers Choice Awards, The IAN Book of the Year Awards, the Somerset Contemporary Fiction Awards, and the Independent Publishers Book Awards. His novel, The Conman has been recognized by the International Book Awards, the eLit Awards and the Manhattan Book Awards. He has also published Taking Time … a Tale of Physics, Lust and Greed. Wasting Time, the second book in the Physics, Lust and Greed series. Mike loves fiction, cats, baseball and sailing. He splits his time between Spokane, Washington, and Phoenix, Arizona.

Contact Links

Website: www.mikemurpheybooks.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/mike.murphey.author

Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/author/show/18760096.Mike_Murphey

Instagram: www.instagram.com/mandnmur/

Purchase Links

Audible: https://www.audible.com/pd/Wasting-Time-Audiobook/B09NF59KF2?ref=a_pd_Taking_c13_moreAuthors_0&pf_rd_p=722bd3f0-0234-421b-a023-824edcd1a86b&pf_rd_r=BH6S1Z32RMDQE6KTE8H7

Barnes and Noble: https://www.nookaudiobooks.com/audiobook/1064798/wasting-time-physics-lust-and-greed-series-book-2

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/audiobooks/details/Mike_Murphey_Wasting_Time_Physics_Lust_and_Greed_S?id=AQAAAEB8lEnUJM&hl=en_US&gl=US

Chirp: https://www.chirpbooks.com/audiobooks/wasting-time-physics-lust-and-greed-series-book-2-by-mike-murphey

Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/audiobook/544330438/Wasting-Time-Physics-Lust-and-Greed-Series-Book-2



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