Champion Township is committed to providing open and honest government. All public records in Champion Township are available to any person for inspection or copying, in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. For information related to the public’s rights under the Michigan Freedom of Information Act, please visit the Attorney General website:

To request public records from Champion Township, please submit in writing, (either via email, fax, or mail), a letter detailing the documents you are requesting. The letter should be sent to the Champion Township, Freedom of Information Officer.

FOIA Officer:

Champion Township

P.O. Box 126

Champion, MI 49814

Phone: 906-339-2920

Fax: 906-339-4191

The requested public records that the individual is entitled to receive will be provided promptly; and except for unusual circumstances as permitted under the Freedom of Information Act, they will be made available within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the request.

In the event that the request for records cannot be complied with, a written denial notice stating the specific reasons for the denial will be delivered to the person making the request.

When a request is denied, the public body must provide the requester with a full explanation of the reasons for the denial and the requester’s right to submit an appeal to the head of the public body or to seek judicial review. Notification of the right to judicial review must include notification of the right to receive attorney fees and collect damages.

Public Records Fees

A government agency may charge a fee for the necessary copying of a public record for inspection or providing a copy of a public record to a requestor. A public body may also charge for search, examination and review and the separation of exempt information in those instances where failure to charge a fee would result in unreasonably high costs to the public body. The fee must be limited to actual duplication, mailing and labor costs. The first $20 of a fee must be waived for a person who is on welfare or presents facts showing inability to pay because of indigency.