Vote from home
Apply online at Michigan.gov/Vote to have your absentee ballot or accessible absentee ballot sent to you.
Vote and submit your ballot at your clerk's drop box or office OR return it as soon as possible by mail (recommended by Oct. 19).
Be sure to sign the outside of the envelope.
Vote at your clerk's office
Enter your address at Michigan.gov/Vote to find your local election clerk's office.
Go to your clerk's office, ask for your absentee ballot, vote and submit it in one trip.
For those who choose not to vote early, polling places will be open on Election Day.
Visit Michigan.gov/Vote to track your absentee ballot.
The Marquette County Clerk participates in the Michigan Secretary of State Voter Information Center so that you, as a voter, are able to look up information pertinent to you.
Visit: michigan.gov/vote
To find out if you are registered, where you can vote and to view a sample ballot.
Unofficial Election Results will be posted as soon as they become available, on the home page under News and Announcements and official election results will posted on the Election Results page.