Humans of North Quincy

Faculty Profiles

Mrs. Jennifer Shaw, English Teacher

Conducted and Composed by Aryanna P

Photo by Legacy Studios

With the new school year approaching, some upcoming juniors might be next to enter AP Language and Composition. If you’re going into this class, you might get the pleasure of learning from Ms. Shaw, an AP Lang teacher as well as a 9th grade ELA teacher. Although Ms. Shaw didn’t always know she wanted to be a teacher, she is more than happy she stumbled into the role. After majoring in English and History, she wasn’t sure what she wanted to do. After substitute teaching a couple of times, she took a liking to the setting and has pursued it ever since. When asked about one of her favorite parts about teaching, she recounts her fond memories of joking around with her students. Telling goofy stories and laughing with her students makes the job special. Although AP Lang isn’t for everyone, she encourages passionate writers to give the class a try. If she hadn’t become a teacher, Ms. Shaw would’ve also liked to have had a fulfilling career as a book editor. The opportunity to read through fictional stories and correct mistakes reflects her love of the topic of grammar. Outside of the classroom, Ms. Shaw frequently goes for runs and walks, spends time in the kitchen, and spends time with her family. When I asked Ms. Shaw if she had any words of advice for the seniors leaving and the juniors making after-high-school decisions soon, she hoped everyone would do something they were truly passionate about. “Do things you love to do, and you’ll be happy in life.” -Ms. Shaw

Mr. Daniel Gilbert, Principal

Conducted and Composed by Maddie O-K

Photo by Legacy Studios

Mr. Gilbert is originally from Williamstown, Massachusetts. Mr. Gilbert moved to Quincy in 1997, for grad school at UMass Boston. Mr. Gilbert originally was a teacher before he became principal. He originally became a teacher in Quincy in the spring 1999. In the fall of 1999 Mr. Gilbert was hired as a teacher in Point Webster Middle School. He became assistant principal at Lincoln Hancock in 2007, then shortly after in 2008 he became principal at Snug Harbor Elementary School. Later on in 2013, Mr Gilbert became principal for Broad Meadows Middle School. Then last year in 2023 Mr. Gilbert became principal for North Quincy High School. 

Not only is Mr. Gilbert a principal but also a father and husband as well. He attends almost all sporting events for North Quincy High and is known for knowing every single one of his students' names. He says, “It is a gift of mine, I would say.” I asked him what his favorite part of being a principal is, he replied, “Working with the kids and the teachers and families. Going to sports games, plays and shows.” I asked him what made him want to transition from teacher to principal. Mr. Gilbert responded with, “I wanted to do more, as an administrator he had more ability to help the kids and teachers, and help more out. As a teacher I could only affect the kids in my class, and couldn’t make changes or put things in place for the whole school overall.” I followed up by asking, what the most challenging thing about being a principal is. He says, “Each year depends on a theme, sometimes the year goes in certain themes. Such as student troubles that affect the whole school, each year is different.”

Mr. Gilbert attended Siena University, where he played for their soccer team as center back. His major was originally math for 2 years, then switched to history. What influenced Mr. Gilbert into becoming a teacher was when he graduated from Siena, he got a job doing summer camps as a coach, he became a varsity soccer and basketball coach. He didn’t want to coach in college, so this gave him the idea to become a teacher. Not only does Mr Gilbert make sure to know everyone’s name at North Quincy High School but he genuinely cares to have a relationship with every student that attends here. He’s the type of person who is real, a genuine, really good person, who also cares about everyone. So seniors, only 2 more weeks. Until you say goodbye to Mr. Gilbert.

Ms. Mera Kriz, Social Studies

Conducted and Composed by John R

Photo by Legacy Studios

On the third floor of the high school, tucked away in her own corner of the history department, is one of the best teachers in the entire school. Ms. Kriz is the only teacher of AP US History and she has been doing an exceptional job at it for years, consistently producing high scores on one of the hardest AP exams. As the only teacher of the class, she is known for being a hard but fun teacher, who is always challenging students and pushing them to the best of their ability. Ms. Kriz has been teaching for twenty-one years now. As a child who grew up in California, Ms. Kriz has always been a big fan of history. It was her best and favorite subject as a kid. Ms. Kriz has also always loved the school environment. She loved school as a child, and as she grew up and went to Holy Cross, her old teachers played a massive influence in her life, inspiring her to become one as well. Ms. Kriz's favorite part about being a teacher is the students themselves. To be able to meet them for the first time, and watch them progressively grow and put in work is the best part of the job for her. As a very experienced and tenured teacher herself, Ms. Kriz’s advice she would give to a new teacher is  to have patience and drive. It is a very hard job that people go into thinking it is easy. But you will get the hang of it, you just have to put in the work. In her own personal life, she is a big tennis fan. As she used to play it herself, Ms. Kriz is an avid admirer of the sport, watching it in her free time. She played all throughout her youth, and now is a big supporter of North Quincy’s own tennis team. She is also a big fan of the reality tv show, Below Deck. Ms. Kriz believes that the greatest reward for being a teacher is seeing how the students grow, and what successes they find. Ms. Kriz is happy with her niche in North Quincy High School and is excited to keep on working with new kids every year. If you are interested in taking her class, then sign up for AP United States History, located in room 316 A. 

Mr. Ryan Herlihy, Health Interventionist

Conducted and Composed by Maddie O-K

Photo by Mr. Herlihy

School is coming to an end. Especially for the senior class of 2024. As it’s getting warmer out, more exciting events are coming up. Graduation, prom, sports coming to an end, summer approaching. Senoritis has kicked in for some of the senior class but we are almost done!! When it comes to graduation there are a lot of different emotions. Happiness,relief, pride,sadness,regret,etc. Missing underclassmen we watched grow up, not being in the environment that made us grow up these last 4 years. Not popping by your favorite teachers office anymore. Missing friends and family. But this is a new chapter in all of our lives! Many of us wouldn’t be here without the staff of NQHS. A teacher that has helped many students is Mr. Herlihy who works in the Physical Education department.

 Mr. Herlihy was born in Connecticut but relocated to Quincy, Massachusetts, with his family when he was one year old. His family originally came from Weymouth, although he has spent his entire life in Quincy. He enjoys the community, its diversity, and so forth. Mr Herlihy majored in Psychology at college. He had no idea what he wanted to do for a profession, but he selected Psychology because human behavior was central to his occupations over the years, and it also piqued his interest. He worked at Quincy Recreation for 15 years. He then began teaching in Quincy public schools' Physical Education Department. He then spent two years working as a long-term substitute in Cambridge. He then returned to Quincy, where he spent a year and a half working in the Physical Education Department with Ms. Ginty. Budget cuts occurred, and Mr. Herlihy was out of employment for four years. He subsequently spent two years working at Weymouth High School before returning to North Quincy, his beloved place. He has been working here for the past nine years.

Mr Herlihy has taught all around Massachusetts, but he has always returned to his hometown, which he adores. Mr. Herlihy is renowned as one of the instructors at North Quincy High School who always keeps his door open for anyone who needs it. Not only is he always there when you need him, but he sincerely wants to help children with their schooling. Even just talking to him, you can see he cares about all of the North Quincy students. Not only as a student, but also as an individual. I asked him, “What is your favorite thing about being a teacher?” His response was, “I love building relationships with the people around me but especially students. Seeing them succeed and do well not only in school but in their dreams is the best feeling. That was one of the reasons I majored in Psychology in college because I love building relationships and learning something new everyday. Especially when it comes to my students.”

As the school year is coming to an end we are starting to say goodbye to all our teachers who have helped us with our education, personal problems, career issues,etc. I asked Mr Herlihy what was the most challenging thing about being a teacher. “I would say the hardest part is seeing your kids go through a rough time, have a hard time focusing in class and aren’t their normal selves. But I do my best to always have my door open for everyone even if I don’t teach them.” My favorite thing about talking to Mr Herlihy is I could tell how sincere he was about everything he was saying. He said something that stuck with me. “This is a hard job but it’s a rewarding job.” So my advice for seniors for their last few weeks is this may be hard, but when we finish, we are done. Finish out strong.

Ms. Jacquelyn Neary, PASS teacher

Conducted and Composed by Aislynn J

Photo by Legacy Studios

In the Pass program, directly above the library you will find Mrs. Neary, an eccentric, passionate English teacher. She has a lot of family history at North, with her parents meeting here, and even her grandparents- all as students. This is her second year teaching at North Quincy, but her seventh year teaching overall. Previous to that, she was working in ABA therapy, applied behavioral analysis, creating lesson plans and directly interacting with students for 10 years. She says, “ I always wanted to teach, it just took me longer to get there because of ABA. I really wanted my own classroom. I thought, I'm going to get my license, and I did.” She had a great teacher in high school, a teacher she wanted to be just like who was a mentor for her. “Ms. Mulligan was always there for me, she pushed me, she helped me get into college.” This, along with Mara Healey, are some of her biggest inspirations. Her favorite part of teaching is the students, she learns a lot from them, and enjoys the new experiences every day brings. The hardest part for her is finding the time to collaborate with her team. She spends time bonding with each student, caring about their entire school career, not just her class.

 Outside of school, she likes to garden, spend time with her Wife and dog, Everett, and fish in Maine in the summer. She also loves being handy, like doing projects around the house. She went to High School in Weymouth, and was Weymouth’s first girl altar server. Ms. Neary is an inspiring teacher who works her hardest to keep students engaged and on a path to succeed each and every day. If you see her around, don’t hesitate to say hi! 

Ms. Victoria Wallace, Student Support

Conducted and Composed by Izzie R

Photo by Legacy Studios

Ms. Wallace has been a guidance counselor at North for three years. She has always enjoyed working with students. She loves to watch students grow in both their academic and personal lives throughout their time at North Quincy. Ms. Wallace actually grew up in Quincy and attended Quincy High School. Living in Quincy has given her a fresh and diverse perspective of the world. Her peers came from different backgrounds, cultures, and situations, which helped her be more understanding and accepting of the real world. Ever since she was a kid, Ms. Wallace knew she wanted to spend her life helping people. She started her profession as a social worker. She knew that she needed a change from the taxing, heavy job. When Quincy Public Schools had an opening, she knew she had to take it. Ms. Wallace considers this her dream job because of the connections and opportunities presented with it. She loves the deep pride that  students and faculty share for the school. Outside of school, Ms. Wallace loves to play sports, travel, and spend time with friends and family. Ms. Wallace has visited amazing destinations like Iceland, Italy, and Hawaii! Ms. Wallace wants all students to know that they should, “find what they like and incorporate it into their every day.” Finding a balance between work and following your heart is necessary to maintain stability and happiness. 

Ms. Caitlin Plaskasovitis, Health Teacher

Conducted and Composed by Mary S

Photo by Legacy Studios

Mrs. Plaskasovitis, best known as Mrs. P, is a health teacher here at North. She is not only a teacher here, but also an alumni herself. Not only does Mrs. P teaches general health to all tenth graders alongside Mr. Hearlahy, she also teaches Nutrition and Wellness. Mrs. P will be completing her fourth year of teaching at North by the end of this school year. Before she arrived at North she taught at Central Middle School for 16 years as a health teacher, and at a school in Holbrook as a gym teacher. Many people know that Mrs. P is the head varsity Volleyball coach, but many may not be aware that she coached North Quincy freshman volleyball for five years as well. In addition, she also coached middle school volleyball for six years. Though some might assume moving from a middle school teacher to high school may be difficult, she found the transition to be smooth as could be. Mrs. P came to North during COVID, so she had a chance to get acclimated instead of being thrown into a new chaotic school year. Her favorite part of North is being able to build connections with students and assisting them through their highschool years. Outside of school Mrs. P loves spending time with her kids and watching them do the things they love to do. This summer she can't wait to hit the beach with her family. Mrs. P is one of the most personable and caring people you will ever get the chance to meet. Her outgoing and fun energy will light up any room, and every single one of her students will tell you that. If you ever need someone to talk to, she will be more than happy to help. 

Ms. Jessie Tenaglia, Science Teacher

Conducted and Composed by Anushka R

Photo by Legacy Studios

Ms. Tenaglia is a biology and marine science teacher here at North Quincy High School. Growing up in Braintree, Massachusetts as an avid scientist, she never knew that she'd become a teacher one day. During the pandemic though, she would find herself working at Snug Harbor Elementary School as an assistant for the special education students. After enjoying teaching at Snug Harbor, she decided to become a science teacher here at North Quincy High School. She got her undergraduate degree in University of Massachusetts Boston for environmental science and her master’s degree at University of Rhode Island for oceanography. She also played softball for UMASS Boston during her time there. Having knowledge in a lot of science fields, she is able to teach a lot of different subjects including biology, chemistry, forensic science, and marine science. 

After teaching for a few years, she has some advice for students. She advises students to take it one day at a time and to not overload yourself with so many rigorous courses. It’s important to take care of yourself most importantly and if students are staying up doing homework, then maybe they should take it a bit easier. 

Outside of school, she enjoys playing co-ed soccer and softball in the summer. When Ms. Tenaglia would first start working here, her mentor was Mr. Kessler, especially to help her during her time as a chemistry teacher. Dr. Pecarcik has also been a mentor to her, especially after working with her to create a more gender inclusive biology curriculum.

Mr. Michael Hanson, Photo Teacher

Conducted and Composed by Chloe H

Photo by Legacy Studios

Mr. Hanson began his teaching career in 2005 at Salem High School, and started here at NQ in 2007. Despite being a teacher for now almost 20 years, he says that he never imagined he would be in education until a few years after he graduated from college. In those few years in between his college graduation and deciding on being a teacher, he worked for a company in Boston that specializes in design and branding - they did print, video, and digital work for companies and events. Along with that job, he traveled the east coast and midwest as a concert photographer.

Well, the reason we wound up lucky enough to have a teacher like Mr. Hanson is that while he was working in advertising and freelance photography, he quickly realized that he missed something about the classroom environment. In his own words: “I felt pulled toward a career where I could still work within the creative arts but in an environment with the diversity of people and thoughts and energy that the creative classrooms possess. I also wanted to invest my time and energy into a career that could have a positive effect on others.” Now at NQ, Mr. Hanson would describe his job as an art educator as helping every student who enters his classroom to become a stronger creative thinker and be more visually literate. Once again in his own words: “Not every student who enrolls in my classes will go on to pursue a career in the Arts, but they can leave here with creative thinking and critical thinking skills that will translate to any endeavor they pursue and help them to develop as a more well rounded student. For the students in my classes who do wish to study the Arts in college and pursue a career in the Arts, my job is to support them and help put them in a position to succeed in the Arts beyond their time at NQ.”

The Photography program at NQ is one Mr. Hanson would describe as exceptional because of the work ethic, creativity, and character of the students that we have been fortunate enough to have enrolled here at NQ along with the support of our administration, student support office, other faculty and families provide. “I cannot say enough about how excellent our students are.” Mr. Hanson says that the most rewarding part of his job is being able to see students grow in their confidence, but not just in the command of the curriculum; as individuals, as well. He’s been fortunate in that he has taught a wide variety of classes and coached football here for 15 seasons, so he’s been able to work with an enormous amount of individual students and seeing them all find unique successes and experiences that have allowed them to build their confidence is incredibly rewarding to him. His favorite teaching moment here is the annual fundraiser for Boston Children’s Hospital. Each December, the atrium is filled with original framed works of art created by the students here at NQ and are sold as part of a one night event. Along with the art being sold, dozens of items such as gift cards from local restaurants and gift baskets from from local businesses are raffled off. All proceeds from this annual event are donated directly to Boston Children’s. This event began in 2010 and it broadcasts to the students the impact their creativity and effort can have. 

Outside of school, Mr. Hanson enjoys spending time with his wife and their 3 daughters. He says going to his daughters’ games and activities and exercising are probably his favorite hobbies/interests outside of school. He has a part time job at a gym, and - of course - enjoys making his own art (photography, digital collage, mixed media), art history, watching movies, watching football, arguing with his friends about aforementioned football, fantasy football, and reading (he reads all kinds of books and authors.) Something Mr. Hanson says all students should keep in mind is - in his words: “That everyone has their own unique timeline and journey - finding what you are pulled to and what makes you happy is a path that is your’s and no one else’s; try to enjoy every step on the journey but at the same time - put in the work.”

Sr. Robert Doyle, Spanish Teacher

Conducted and Composed by Anastasiya B

Photo by Legacy Studios

Growing up in North Quincy and attending Southeastern Massachusetts University (SMU), today known as UMass Dartmouth, Señor Doyle earned a Degree in Spanish aiming to teach at a high school level. Sr. Doyle has been teaching Spanish at NQHS since 1992 and feels proud of learning from faculty members over the years all while also currently being at the top of the seniority list for Spanish Teachers in the City of Quincy.

Sr. Doyle was inspired to become a teacher in 4th grade thanks to his amazing teachers, Mrs. MacDonald and Mr. Houghton, whom he had when he attended Quincy Elementary. He was determined to teach others, and when attending UMass Dartmouth completing Education Field, he did various pre-practicums and taught students at New Bedford High Schools, Bishop Stang High School, Dartmouth High School and Fairhaven High School, enjoying every single aspect of a teaching position thanks to rewarding experience and guidance from staff and administrators he met throughout. After graduating, Sr. Doyle started out at NQHS as a substitute teacher in Spring of 1988 and then was hired as a Spanish teacher in September 1992. Ever since, he has taken a role of teaching Spanish 2 CCP, two classes of Spanish 3 CCP and two classes of Spanish 2 Honors which have students of various grades, with the majority being freshmen and sophomores. In addition, throughout his work at NQHS he has also coached many sports which include: Boy's JV soccer (4 years), Asst Varsity Coach Boys Soccer (4 years), Freshman, Junior Varsity and Varsity Girls Softball Coaching positions (12 years), Freshman Junior-Varsity and Varsity Boys Hockey Coach (17 years), and Golf at North (25 years) gaining a Varsity Head Coach position for both Girls and Boys teams. 

Throughout his journey, Sr. Doyle feels grateful for meeting new people and successfully gaining his dream job position since invaluable experience gained throughout helped him to become who he is today. Beyond his job, Sr. Doyle loves to travel, play golf, take care of his parents, and spend time with his family, having an honest, fun, and friendly personality making him one of the most memorable persons you’ll ever meet. Sr. Doyle also got married in 2017 on Isla Mujeres, (Mexico-off the coast of Cancun) to Deb Werth with whom he traveled to Mexico for more than 40 times and he hopes to purchase a retirement property there, living within a culture he enjoys while being a master in that language too. 

*señor = mister in Spanish 

Mrs. Patricia Maggio, Principal's Secretary

Conducted and Composed by Sofija S

Photo by Legacy Studios

Mrs. Maggio is the secret weapon to running the show here at NQHS. While her office may be tucked away with Mr. Gilbert’s and Mrs. Hollands, her smiling face carries all throughout the school. Being Mr. Gilbert's secretary, she works not only with the students but also with the entire faculty here at NQHS, she leaves a positive impact on every single one. 

Being a NQHS graduate herself, she loved the school. Before coming to NQHS she went to a very small catholic school. After making the switch, school started becoming fun for her. Her supportive group of friends and the community here made her enjoy her high school career.  After graduating, she stayed in the Quincy community, starting as a sub around the city of Quincy, then as a paraprofessional in the learning center. She loved working here at North Quincy because of the students and when she was offered the secretary job, she accepted it not wanting to leave the amazing community that NQHS brings. As Mr. Gilbert's secretary, she loves what she does. Everyday is different and each day brings a storm of laughter throughout the office. 

When she's not at NQHS, she's watching her grandkids or going on walks around her neighborhood. While her grandkids do not live in Quincy, she would have loved for them to go to NQHS. Never in her career working at North Quincy High has she regretted working here. She loves all the students and the faculty here and it shows through her hard work and kindness. She's the glue that keeps the school together and there could not be a better person for it.

Mrs. Alicia Tenpow, World Languages Department Head

Conducted and Composed by Lina A

Photo by Ms. Tenpow

Mrs. Tenpow is a kind-hearted, aspiring, and bright teacher and the head of the World Language Department at NQHS who finds her pride in her children and her job especially when the positive impact she leaves on her students shows up to the light as it is very eye-opening to her, you can find her in the World Language Department with her bright smile and cheerful presence. Growing up abroad, in a multilingual household with both of her parents becoming teachers at some point in their lives made the concept of her pursuing this career familiar and non-foreign. In her early life, she studied high-tech public relations but she didn’t feel connected to the field as she thought it was superficial and unmeaningful. She never thought of becoming a teacher herself, however, when she was offered the job, she fell in love with how diverse North Quincy High is and decided to start her teaching career. Since Spanish was her second strongest language after English she decided to take the test and passed as a first-time-taker. Mrs. Tenpow’s love for North Quincy High and her students is unmatchable, “North Quincy is awesome, but what really makes it awesome. The student body keeps me excited, fresh, young, and interested”.

 Mrs. Tenpow has many hobbies but gardening and going to the gym have to be her top choices, If you visit her office and/or her classroom you can look around and see her beautiful gardened plants that are taken care of with love and passion. Despite her many hobbies if there’s one thing she would do for the rest of her life it certainly would be to learn as many languages as she can possibly learn. She’s currently on her journey of diving into the world of the Mandarin language and practicing her tones and she was able to keep a conversation with a native-speaking stranger, this experience made it feel like her world is expanding and becoming even more passionate with her love of languages. She is very proud of The language department, for her, it's a diamond that opens doors and opportunities in various aspects.

“North Quincy rocks, as great as we are there’s always a long way to go and I look forward to walk through that way with the amazing people i work with and my students as there’s always space to improve”  -Mrs. Tenpow

Mrs. Christine Kelly, Media Center Specialist

Conducted and Composed by Grace F

Photo by Legacy Studios

Mrs. Kelly is the librarian here at North Quincy High School. Mrs. Kelly originally wanted to be a social worker, but it didn’t work out. She decided she wanted to be a librarian instead once she graduated undergrad school. After undergraduate school at the University of New York Courtland, Mrs. Kelly wasn’t ready to be an adult quite yet, so she went straight to grad school. She attended Albany University, West Virginia University, and Salem State for graduate school. Her favorite thing about North Quincy High is the students and the environment. Her old school didn’t have rallies and other events that we have here. Her favorite part about being a librarian is that she gets to do something different everyday. Mrs. Kelly would be an Art History Professor if she wasn’t a librarian. She used to teach art history at her old school. Her advice to high school students is don’t wish it away. In her free time, she loves going camping with her husband and spending time with her friends. She even plans to join a roller derby team. 

Mr. Brian O'Dea, School Counselor, PASS

Conducted and Composed by Aislynn J

Photo by Legacy Studios

Many Students at North Quincy are unaware of the alternative learning program running above the library. The PASS program is home to students working with social emotional issues, who have the privilege of working with school counselor Mr. O’Dea. Located in his cozy little office, he is the glue that gets so many students through the day. Being only his second year at North Quincy, you would be shocked at his impact. He makes sure you see a smiling face when you walk in the school building, receive real, honest, and helpful opinions, and helps students feel prioritized each and every day. Whenever he needs his office to himself or to talk privately, he says “May I borrow your office please?” implying that this space really does belong to the students. Prior to working here, he was a counselor in Hull for 3 years. Before that, he was working as a car technician. When asked how he knew this is what he wanted to do, he said he knew he always wanted to help people. It makes him feel good. He seemed to snap out of it one day when working on a car, and asked himself, “What am I doing here?” He decided to return to school to be a counselor, in order to extend himself outwards to find that inner satisfaction.  

Outside of school, Mr. O’Dea stays busy with his two young kids. He likes to do anything outdoors, including golfing or hiking in the Blue Hills. His favorite thing about what he does is watching students overcome obstacles. He’d say that the students have taught him more than he’d ever know otherwise, a form of mutualism where he teaches and learns every day. He loves seeing growth, watching students flourish socially, reaching their emotional goals, taking on new things, and facing those challenges. He will cheer on students and support them all the way through. The most challenging part for him is staying organized, hitting deadlines, and the more technical elements of being a school counselor. And although his desk is a map of organized chaos, the PASS program would not be organized in the way that it is without him. He keeps everything running smoothly and never fails to keep the students at the center of everything. 

id picture of mr. healy

Mr. Jason Healy, Social Studies

Conducted and Composed by Lina A

Photo by Legacy Studios

Mr. Healy is one of the NQHS Social Studies teachers. He’s only been teaching Social Studies for two years;  he was a special education teacher for the first fifteen years of his career. Although he has always enjoyed Social Studies, he considers himself a Special Education teacher teaching Social Studies. He knew he wanted to get into teaching because of a previous job where he worked with kids in the foster care system; he wanted to be more directly involved with teaching kids. Growing up, he aspired to be a professional athlete. Mr. Healy grew up in Quincy and went to a catholic school here, yet he was familiar with North Quincy High as many of his friends attended NQHS. He has been a member of NQHS faculty for 12 years. He absolutely loves the environment of the school and the school culture!  “I get to work with many great students. The staff has always been supportive of each other and it has always been great”. Some of the many things Mr. Healy is passionate about are listening to music, spending time with family, and traveling. Mr. Healy is very proud of his family, as the memories of him getting married and having kids are very precious to him. He, too, has struggled with teaching, as he’s not a technology person. Technology has been one of his hardest struggles, yet he was able to overcome it because the pandemic and lockdown forced him to get out of his comfort zone. 

id picture of ms. moffat

Ms. Jenna Moffat, Science

Conducted and Composed by Avery W

Photo by Legacy Studios

On the fourth floor of North Quincy, you can find Ms. Moffat, a second-year chemistry teacher here. She didn't know what she wanted to do for a living as a junior in high school until she took chemistry with Mrs. Smith, who she says is one of the few teachers who truly made her feel safe and at ease in the classroom.  She was a nervous and shy student in high school, but she felt comfortable to participate in Mrs. Smith's classroom, which she attributes to her teaching approach. Which made chemistry really fun and easy for her, making her realize she could be good at it like Mrs. Smith is, so she never looked back. She wants to be a teacher she wishes she had, one that doesn’t need to make you like the subject, but one that will make you excited to go to class, feel safe, and lets you make mistakes without feeling dumb about it. She wants kids to understand that they are more than simply a name in a grade book—she cares about them as people.

Her favorite teaching moments are the "ah-ha" moments when a student is working hard but struggling. There might not be anything specific that she says to them, but suddenly they will say, "ohhhhh," and it makes sense to them! She enjoys seeing students proud of themselves for getting and being apart of that moment

She finds the most challenging part of her job to be students not understanding why teachers do what they do and hearing “I hate chemistry”, “Why do I need to know this”, and “I’m never going to need to know this.” She understands not everyone is going to love chemistry and grow up to do it as a profession, and down the line yes, you are not going to be writing out orbital notation, but there are important skills to have in life that she is teaching and they’re just hidden beneath these subjects. Her example is when she teaches CER paragraphs, which she gets the most hate from, but she says learning how to write these will help you analyze data, explain why something is important, and learn how to support arguments. She’s teaching students with the expectation that every kid will go into their adult life with skills they need to be great in whatever path they choose. 

Outside of school Ms. Moffat loves to read and has a 2024 goal to read 36 books. She LOVES spending time with her dog Henrietta. She also loves painting her nails and is very passionate about it. She always has holiday themed nails and repaints them a lot! She also loves Taylor Swift and attended the Eras Tour at Gillette Stadium on the day of the rain show! Her favorite songs are Sparks Fly, Afterglow, and August.

id picture of mr. buckingham

Mr. Lucas Buckingham, Science

Conducted and Composed by Izzie R

Photo by Legacy Studios

You may recognize his bright smile on the fourth floor, or if you were lucky enough to have him in class, you know that Mr. Buckingham is an amazing teacher at North Quincy. He teaches environmental science to AP and Honors students at NQHS. He started teaching AP Environmental Science in 2014 which proved to be a long journey. At first, his classes would have only eight students at a time, and he recalls scrambling around lecturing them the best he could. 

Outside of school, Mr. Buckingham enjoys mountain biking, skiing, and spending time with his family. Mr. Buckingham cannot imagine teaching any other subject. After so many years, he’s found the perfect teaching style for his students. He appreciates how all of his students are so passionate and enthusiastic to learn. For those who have never heard of the class, Mr. Buckingham says that its fun and interesting. He notes that while you may not like every topic in the class, there is sure to be something you will like. The materials covered in Mr. Buckingham’s class span over a variety of environmental issues. The class deals with politics, economics, ethics, and more. For people interested in this field, Mr. Buckingham encourages you to explore until you find a passion that speaks to you. Because of how broad this field is, any topic has a career within it. Mr. Buckingham’s favorite thing about APES is how it brings all sciences together in an applicable way. Every science class in the past has key information that solves a puzzle in the environment. 

Mr. Buckingham says the most rewarding part about teaching is working with students who are interested to be in class. He loves how the classroom serves as a place for students to share their different perspectives and ideas with others. Mr. Buckingham says that teachers appreciate the effort that  students who are more excited and enthusiastic put into their studies. Mr. Buckingham is proud to have a student-centered classroom. He encourages students to learn from each other and loves to prompt and drive conversations. If science interests you, but you are not where to start out APES is the perfect class for you. Don’t be afraid to stop by and say hi to Mr. Buckingham in room 415.

id picture of mr. d'amore

Mr. Beni D'Amore, Social Studies

Conducted and Composed by John R

Photo by Legacy Studios

Tucked away on the third floor of North Quincy is a very interesting class with a truly passionate and amazing teacher. Mr. D’Amore is the sole teacher of all of the AP Psychology classes at North. He has been teaching for nearly twenty-one years now, and has taught Psychology for seven of them. Mr. D’Amore loves the outdoors and especially loves traveling. He even lives next to an old cranberry bog. 

Mr. D’Amore started his journey when he had a revelation on a trip in Kansas City about wanting to dedicate his life to teaching. Since he lived in Quincy, he soon after started working as a substitute teacher at North, and after achieving a master’s degree in history, found a job there. Mr. D’Amore figures if he never went down the path to become a teacher, he would put his degree in journalism to use, and become a sports journalist. After his twenty-one years in the profession, his advice to new teachers would be to just be themselves. Students can see through acts, and it is better to just be yourself, and let the students connect with the real you whether you be straightforward or more organic. He thinks that the biggest lesson he has learned so far is that it is important to be respectful to students and understand that they also have a lot of things going on in their lives. In his own words, “Standards must be met, but you can have compassion.” 

Mr. D’Amore only teaches seniors, and finds that his favorite part of it is that since they’re almost adults, he gets to see a pretty clear image of what the seniors will be capable of, and how far their potential reaches. His least favorite though, is when he sees seniors mentally check out of school, before their time at North ends. Being a teacher, he thinks the most rewarding part of the job as a whole is getting to see students succeed later on in life, and getting to see what students do with their lives after high school. The least rewarding part though, is that since he only teaches seniors, he does not get to know them as well, throughout their high school journey. 

Overall, Mr. D’Amore is very happy with his role at North, and is excited to see what the future will bring with the students he has. If you are interested in joining a history class that doesn’t directly deal with classic histories, don’t be afraid to stop by room 320 and say hi to Mr. D’Amore.

id picture of ms. holland

Ms. Noreen Holland, Assistant Principal

Conducted and Composed by Sofija S

Photo by Legacy Studios

Mrs. Holland has been a part of the North Quincy High School community for 14 years. As the assistant principal at NQHS, she not only manages a very important administrative role at the school but she builds connections with all of the students. With over 1500 students in the building, she takes the time to get to know each and every one and build relationships with them as well. 

While at first she wanted to go into the nursing career, she decided to go into the education field. She knew she loved working with children and young adults and loved the aspect of teaching them, and making a positive impact in their lives. Mrs. Holland started off her career teaching at the middle school level and then switched over to the high school level, which was one of the most difficult decisions she had made. While currently she is the assistant principal, at first she was an English teacher. She loved developing lesson plans and being close with her students but she is grateful to have become an assistant principal because she gets to meet even more of the students who go to NQHS. 

Outside of school, she loves spending time with her two sons and her husband. They all love to go to different sporting events together and spend time together as a family. While she loves spending time with her boys, she treats all of the students at NQHS as though they are her own. The care that she puts in to make sure every student is ready to learn as well as the support she gives to all students shows how special she is in the NQHS community. She dedicates her mornings, standing outside of the building, even if the weather is below freezing, to saying good morning to every student that walks in with a smile on her face. Mrs. Holland has made and continues to make a positive impact on the entire school and without her NQHS would not be as welcoming of a place as it is now. 

id picture of ms. moneghan

Ms. Nicole Moneghan, Math

Conducted and Composed by Aryanna P

Photo by Legacy Studios

Ms. Moneghan is a math teacher here at North, her classroom can be found on the fourth floor. When she was younger, she always knew that one day she wanted to help kids in some way. She was set on teaching after she completed high school, her reasoning being she wanted to be the teacher she never had. Ms. Moneghan’s favorite part of this job is helping her students achieve break throughs. The moment when she sees a problem finally click for a kid is one of the most rewarding parts for her. As well as just being able to be there for any student who needs support. Outside of the classroom she coaches the swim team at Bridgewater State University, the same team she once swam for herself. She had been a swimmer her entire life and when her former coach asked her to come back to be a coach herself, she accepted. For any students who aspire to become a teacher her word of advice is to persevere through the coursework in college. “It’s going to be a lot of work, but the kids make it worth it.” If you need someone to talk to, Ms. Moneghan is always there for anyone who needs her. Her welcoming classroom and her positive attitude makes it easy to her if you need some help in math or elsewhere. 

id picture of mr. o'brien

Mr. Charles O'Brien, English

Conducted and Composed by Maddie O-K

Photo by Legacy Studios

Favorites. Everyone has favorites(if you say you don’t you're a liar). Teachers have favorite students, coaches have favorite athletes, parents have their favorite child, bosses have their favorite worker, etc. Most importantly, students have their favorite teachers. The reason I say most importantly is because some students aren’t built for school. Some kids just don’t like school at all. But having your favorite class or seeing your favorite teacher can make your school day not only better but also make your day go by faster. Every teacher is different. Some teachers show their personalities and pieces of their lives with students to connect and have a relationship with their students. Some teachers don’t connect with their students and just hand out quizzes and say, “You're on your own on this one”! A teacher who is known for connecting with his students and always hearing laughter in his class is Charles O’Brien who teaches English for grades 10 and 12. 

Before Mr. O’Brien started at North Quincy High School in 2019  he taught English in the 8th grade at Central Middle School. Transitioning from middle school to high school was definitely an adjustment. According to O’Brien it was, “A literal cultural shock.” The maturity level was a huge change. In middle school you just want to fit in, you have no idea who you are. But once you get to high school you start to figure out who you are,who you want to be friends with, and have actual opinions on lessons through life. Middle school you couldn’t have those adult conversations. Being a student in Mr. O’Brien's 12th grade English class, as much as we laugh and have a good time we also express many opinions on life. For example talking about relationships,personalities between fictional characters,and real/serious conversations  about life . O’Brien originally only taught 10th grade but this year he started teaching seniors. With the help of Ms. Casmiro and Ms. Holland he was up for the challenge. He wanted to experience a change in his teaching, switch it up. So far, O’Brien loves teaching the seniors, he gets to experience teaching their last year together and help with their personal college essays. 

Not only is Mr. O’Brien an English teacher at NQHS but he also is an assistant coach for the Varsity Boys Basketball team. Originally when O’Brien was in high school he also tried out for the basketball team. Let’s just say he didn’t make it…but on a positive note throughout the years he always has a love for basketball. A job opened up for coaching the freshman NQHS basketball team, so O’Brien saw the opportunity and took the job. He then started coaching the JV team as well. O’Brien has 3 kids so he no longer is a full time coach for the freshman and JV teams, but he took on the position of being the assistant coach for the Varsity Boys Basketball team. I asked Mr. O’Brien what his least favorite thing about coaching was. He responded by cutting kids. You never know how someone will react to being cut from a sports team. If they just work harder and try out again next year and make the team or give up on the sport and quit. His favorite thing about coaching is making an impact on the kids as a coach. Specifically winning games, having good chemistry on the team, working together, and the outcome showing after hard work. 

So the next time someone asks you who your favorite kid to babysit is, or your favorite teammate, don't be afraid to just say it. That person is your favorite for a reason. Just like Mr O’Brien is a favorite teacher to many students. It shows that not only can you be a funny wise guy teacher, but also genuinely care about the kids you teach, and build a relationship with them. It’s important to build opinions and use your voice in high school. In Mr. O’Brien's class I feel heard and that’s the best feeling any student could have.

id picture of mr. ragusa

Mr. Richard Ragusa, CVTE Support Liason

Conducted and Composed by Chloe H

Photo by Legacy Studios

Mr. Ragusa has worked as a Career Vocational Technical Support Liaison here at NQ for three years now. Previously, he worked at State Street and eventually, his job was phased out. When asked why he had chosen this job, he said that he had not chosen this job; he had been chosen for this job. Mr. Ragusa was looking for jobs after being let go and was applying to several jobs until he got a call from someone at the mayor’s office. He went there and sat down in a meeting with the mayor, who wanted to inform him of two new job opportunities that he was creating; to bring available information on the trades and the military into high schools for kids who didn’t want to go to college but didn’t have a decided career path.

Mr. Ragusa would describe his job as working with kids to help them better understand that there are pathways to career fields and that it is okay to not go to college; there is always another option. He sets up opportunities for kids interested in the trades to learn more about the different trades, and is the faculty member at North who talks to the recruiters to arrange Military Monday’s. He wants to make it clear that he is not anti-college, but that college simply is not meant for everybody and you do not have to go if you do not have an interest in attending college; there is always another path to travel down. Lastly, the most rewarding part of working as a CVTE is seeing the amount of kids being impacted by his job. He takes a great amount of pride in seeing the results of the kids who go into the service or trades, and seeing their careers grow.

id picture of ms. keenan

Ms. Caroline Keenan, English

Conducted and Composed by Grace F

Photo by Legacy Studios

Ms. Keenan is an English teacher at North Quincy High School. She has worked here for almost four years and she teaches freshman and junior English classes. Ms. Keenan knew she wanted to be an English teacher around High School. She loved school and has been surrounded by reading and writing since she was a kid. Her mom is an avid reader and has even written some of her own books, though she hasn’t published any. 

Ms. Keenan attended Framingham State for college where she majored in English with a concentration in Writing. Her favorite thing about NQHS is the students. She loves getting to know who she is teaching by having discussions about the English subject in class. She loves that English is such a broad topic and loves that it can be related to everyday life. If Ms. Keenan could have a different job, other than teaching, she would be a veterinarian. She initially wanted to be a veterinarian because she loves animals, but ended up changing her mind. Other than teaching English, if she could, Ms. Keenan would teach Psychology. She took classes in High School and College on the subject and finds it fascinating to learn how the human brain works. Ms. Keenan’s advice to High schoolers is to always be kind to anyone and everyone. 

Outside of school, Ms. Keenan loves to go shopping. During the summer she enjoys going to the beach and surfing, and during the winter she recently has gotten into snowboarding. She coaches girls field hockey at Notre Dame Academy, which she also played while in High School. In the spring, she also coaches junior varsity lacrosse for the team here at NQHS. Another fun fact about Ms. Keenan is that she loves Harry Styles. She went to his concert back in 2021 and has many things relating to him in her classroom like her “Treat People With Kindness” tapestry behind her desk. 

picture of mr. kessler

Mr. Patrick Kessler, Science

Conducted and Composed by Lina A

Photo by Lina A

Mr. Kessler is a bright, diligent chemistry teacher at North Quincy High School. His journey to become a teacher was eventful and remarkable. He graduated from college and got a degree in chemical engineering. Towards the end of his college years he started to realize that he wanted to get into teaching mostly because of his work experience as a TA for classes and tutoring. It made him realize that he liked teaching almost as much as he liked chemistry. When he first graduated, he worked as a process engineer for a year and that was when he really knew he wanted to become a teacher. 

Mr. Kessler always sort of knew that he wanted to be a teacher since he was a pre-schooler: one day when he was in preschool, he had to write down what he aspired to be and his answer was to become a teacher. There was another time when he wrote down that he wanted to become a power ranger, but as he grew older he grasped that being a power ranger isn't a real profession. An experience he appreciates and that helped him to become what he is now is the help of his supervising teacher, Ellen Tourigny, as her teaching style still reflects on him to this day.  

Mr. Kessler is fond of everything about North Quincy from the people to the city. Something he really loves about Quincy is that it’s a moderate urban environment where you can get a nice city life without it being overwhelmingly crowded. He is very passionate when it comes to his hobbies outside of school as he loves gaming, watching anime on a free Saturday with pajamas, and card games. He enjoys participating in bridge clubs where he can get to play bridge with seniors and have fun. One thing about him is that he can’t live without french fries. As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, Mr. Kessler was proud to serve as a faculty adviser for the Rainbow Alliance, but unfortunately, he had to quit due to an overload on his schedule. Mr. Kessler is really proud of being the the AP chemistry teacher. He loves the months of July and August since he gets to travel around and spend time with his family. 

picture of ms. gao

Ms. Amy Gao, Student Support

Conducted and Composed by Lina A, Anushka R, Aryanna P, & Avery W

Photo by Lina A

Ms. Gao is one of the new guidance counselors that have recently joined this school. She grew up here and also attended North Quincy High School. At first, she was unclear with her career path after she majored in psychology in college. She knew that she didn’t want to do something that was completely psychology, so she reached out to her counselor at college, who also was a former counselor at North. She suggested she become a counselor and Ms. Gao was influenced by her to become one. She saw how much her counselor enjoyed her job and working with kids to provide counseling and to help them become the best-self they can be. Ms. Gao wanted to make her counselor proud and follow her steps into providing assistance for students. Her favorite part about this job is meeting the students and interacting with them. Ms. Gao appreciates students asking her for advice and suggestions as well as writing recommendation letters for college. She feels honored for students reaching out to her for assistance. Her hardest part of her job is not being able to help her students out on issues that occur outside of school. She feels frustrated and upset and really hopes to help anyone out, which shows how thoughtful and considerate she is to others and is always willing to assist others. Outside of working as a school counselor, she enjoys watching movies and traveling in her free time. Her favorite vacation spot she visited was Barcelona, Spain. Even though it’s been harder for her to travel since the school year started, she hopes to visit more places in the future. To conclude, one of her most important pieces of advice she would give to her students when applying to colleges is to have an open mind, especially since what someone majors in isn’t exactly what career field they would pursue in the future. She also mentioned to keep this open-mindedness by engaging in activities such as clubs and sports instead of hiding in your room to not feel isolated in college. 

picture of Mrs. Goodrich

Mrs. Martha Goodrich, Student Support

Conducted and Composed by Grace F, Maddie O-K, & Mary S

Photo by Legacy

Mrs. Goodrich is a vibrant new staff member of North Quincy High School. Mrs. Goodrich is an addition to the guidance staff. She knew this was the career she wanted to pursue since college. Coming from Quincy High School, Mrs. Goorich has said it has been super easy transitioning into the North Quincy environment. She was overwhelmed with kindness and has been able to fit right in since day 1. Despite the easy transition, she has expressed that the hardest part of her job is handling college applications with seniors. Her favorite part about being a guidance counselor is being able to share so many different experiences with so many different people. Meeting new students always brightens Mrs. Goodrich’s day. Mrs. Goodrich loves helping others, so if she had to have another profession she believes she would lean towards a career in nursing. Just like being a guidance counselor, a career in nursing heavily relies on the ability to connect and help other people. If Mrs. Goodrich could share one piece of advice with a high school student: “always do your best, and never give up on your dreams”. Outside of the guidance office you can find her at the gym and hanging out with her friends and family. Mrs. Goodrich exemplifies what it means to be a Raider, and we are more than lucky to have her as a part of our North Quincy Community. 

picture of Mr. Straquadine

Mr. John Straquadine, Science

Conducted and Composed by Izzie R, John R, & John T

Photo by Legacy

Joshua Straquadine is one of North Quincy High School’s newest Science department additions! He left the world of research to pass his love of physics onto eager students. Before teaching, Mr. Straquadine could be found at research conferences sharing his findings with colleagues. His focus centered on circuits and computers and how they work. After a few repetitive years of researching, sharing, and competing against others in the scientific field, Mr. Straquadine knew he needed a change. After his wife got a job here in the biotech industry, he thought about transitioning into teaching. Mr. Straquadine says the hardest thing about teaching physics is how counterintuitive the subject is. He says that is his job as a teacher to break down the preconceptions his students have before walking into the classroom. While the subject can be a tough subject to grasp for others, Mr. Straquadine understands the value in patience and understanding in teaching such a challenging subject. A few of our friends who take his class have nothing but amazing things to say about his teaching strategies and classes. A few fun facts about Mr. Straquadine are that he has two cats named Cletopatra and Ghengis, he plays the saxophone and clarinet, and he is from Minnesota. His first few months at north have been a little hectic, but is a welcome change from the research community. Since leaving, Mr. Straquadine can see how much teaching a subject to students impacts the scientific world. Without educators to share findings, students would have no source to learn from. He loves how instead of constant competition at his job, he is sharing the findings and spreading information on the field. Mr. Straquadine is proud to have put in the work and dedication into earning his PhD. Mr. Straquadine wants his students going into college to join clubs and take interesting classes. He wants to share that college is an amazing opportunity to get out and explore. While academics are important to focus on, do not let that limit you from finding yourself. The NQHS Community is so thankful and grateful to have Mr. Straquadine as a part of the Raider Family! Stop by room 426 and feel free to ask Mr. Straquadine any questions about physics! 

Image of Ms. Egan in a classroom where she teaches.

Ms. Erin Egan, Healthcare

Conducted and Composed by Mary S

Photo by Chloe H

Ms. Egan is one of the newest additions to the North Quincy High School Staff. After graduating from North Quincy High’s Vocational Health Program, Ms. Egan is now teaching this subject! She has vast experience within her 14 years of working as a nurse practitioner, and wanted to pursue a career that involved both her love for the medical field and her passion for teaching. While teaching is new to Ms. Egan’s life, with this being her first year teaching, she has found it easy to adjust to the North Quincy lifestyle. Ms. Egan's favorite part of teaching so far is sparking an excitement for kids who want to “foster a passion for healthcare”. If anyone is interested in pursuing a career in the medical field, Ms. Egan suggests you should be organized, compassionate, and patient. Luckily, these are traits you will strengthen and develop if you are enrolled in her class. A piece of advice she would share to any current highschool student is, “not to stress over everything because what you think is the most important thing in the world right now, will not affect you in the grand scheme of things.” Outside of the classroom, you can find Ms. Egan skiing and spending time with her children. Ms. Egan’s wide experiences and vibrant personality makes her a perfect fit for the Raider Community and we are overjoyed to welcome her to North Quincy High School! 

Photo of Mr. Amado smiling to someone off-camera.

Mr. Paris Amado, Grade 10 Dean

Conducted and Composed by Aryanna P & Avery W

Photo by Chloe Hawco

Our new 10th-grade dean, Mr. Amado, prides himself on his values of self-discipline and respect from his years of Martial Arts training. At an early age, he also gained a love for basketball, where he was coached by NQHS principal, Mr. Gilbert, and QHS dean, Mr. Ramponi. The recommendation from Mr. Ramponi, Mr.Gilbert’s position as principal, and the great things he heard about the student body at NQHS, were among the many reasons he began working here. While speaking to him he told us, “North Quincy chose me”. Before his new occupation at North, he worked briefly as a behavior specialist and an athletic counselor for college students for over 8 years. He made the transition from his previous career to North Quincy with the promise of more free time. The 2:30 dismissal gave him much more time to pursue other things. He uses it effectively to run his business, Invest In You LLC, where he develops student-athletes academically and professionally in sports. In addition to running his own business, he teaches a kid's class in Martial Arts. He believes Martial Arts give you important values such as discipline and respect for yourself and others. He also believes these skills have helped him in all his life endeavors, including his job here and his other ventures. 

Mr. Amado offers his advice to those in high school: know yourself. He advises you to figure out who you are in high school, what you like and don’t like, and some sort of idea for what you want to do in life. Once you know who you are, you can stay true to yourself and the principles you believe in. The moment you know who you are, you don’t feel the need to make everyone like you. What is important is that you enjoy what you’re doing, no matter what anyone else says. Mr. Amado also quotes his father when using the word “autodidact” - an autodidact is a self-taught person. Ignorance is built on misinformation, and he believes we should all work to find the truth behind things we are told rather than believing everything we are told.

Photo of Ms. McKinney

 Ms. Taylor McKinney, English

Conducted and Composed by Grace F, Maddie O-K, Izzie R, Mary S, & Sofija S

Photo by Chloe Hawco

Ms. McKinney is a vibrant, new addition to the North Quincy English department. She teaches Grades 9, 10, and 11. Ms. McKinney has a background in cosmetology and got her cosmetology license right out of high school. She worked as a hairdresser for two years before she quit after realizing she hates the feeling of wet hair. Choosing to go in a different direction, she worked at beauty supply stores managing and training employees from over 20 stores. She discovered her favorite part of her job was teaching and helping others. When COVID hit, she chose to pursue her dreams and went back to school to get her teaching license. Coming from a family of many teachers, they all discouraged her from the profession. Ms. McKinney knew to listen to her gut, and COVID was a sign to follow her calling. Before teaching at North, she taught night school in Weymouth. While she misses her old students, adjusting to North was a breeze for her. Her favorite part of teaching is seeing her students succeed, accomplish their goals, and knowing she made an impact on their lives. While Ms. McKinney says balancing grading and reading essays can be challenging, she still enjoys hearing the creative thoughts of her students. Some fun facts about her are that her favorite genre to read is Dystopian and her favorite book is Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. Ms. McKinney’s advice for students is to always advocate for themselves and to stop procrastinating! She is excited for all the new adventures that North Quincy High School will bring, and anticipates having an awesome school year. 

Photo of Ms. Daversa

Ms. Kate Daversa, English

Conducted and Composed by Anastasiya B & Anushka R

Photo by Chloe Hawco

Ms. Daversa is an ambitious and bright individual who recently joined our North Quincy community. Growing up in Bridgewater, Massachusetts, she decided to pursue a career in education. She attended both Stonehill College and Harvard University, where she got the most of her education by remaining an enthusiastic student and a creative individual. She amassed numerous accomplishments, such as being a Normative Case Study Writer and Facilitator and a Program Development Specialist, while also participating in other programs that played a meaningful role in her life. Throughout her life experiences, as an eager student and an individual seeking to assist her community, she knew that she wanted to be a teacher and impact the lives of the next generation of young adults. As an individual, she has many hobbies like reading, knitting, painting, tutoring, and hiking out in nature. With her creativity and a strong sense of success, she chose to be an English teacher to teach young adults and pass on the valuable knowledge that they should have. She chose to teach at North Quincy High School because she was impressed during her job interview with Mr. Gilbert, Mrs. Holland, and Mr. Jorgenson who warmly welcomed her to our North Quincy family. As a literature enthusiast, her favorite book is Kindred by Octavia E. Butler, a science fiction novel about time travel. As a teacher, her advice to students is to talk to teachers if something is going on, including both school and outside of school issues - see your teachers if you need any help! It is great to have a new member joining our school that will contribute to our family and play a meaningful role!