College Objectives

College Objectives

College Objectives

*Pursuit in raising the medical services provided to citizens through the graduation of dentists with the competence required to work in scientific and health institutions.

* Meet the need of Diwaniyah province urgent to dental doctors from the people of the province itself.

* Providing specialized medical services through the educational and consulting clinics in the college.

* Contributing to alleviating the burden of citizens in terms of simple wages and supervised by a number of teachers who have experience and competence.

* Raise the scientific level of students and teachers by encouraging scientific research and sending them in missions outside Iraq

* To strengthen the scientific basis of the University through the activities of the College of specialized scientific activities.

* Contribute to the service of society through the establishment of courses for different groups of society.

* Work to raise the cultural level of citizens through public seminars and various media efforts by teaching the college.