
At Queen of Peace Parish Primary School we use the Victorian Curriculum. The Victorian Curriculum F-10 reflects much of the Australian Curriculum F-10, but differs to reflect the lives of Victorian students.


  • Understand how texts vary in purpose, structure and topic as well as the degree of formality (VCELA309)

  • Explain sequences of images in print texts and compare these to the ways hyperlinked digital texts are organised, explaining their effect on viewers’ interpretations (VCELA311)

  • Understand the use of vocabulary to express greater precision of meaning, and know that words can have different meanings in different contexts (VCELA325)

  • Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive print and multimodal texts, choosing text structures, language features, images and sound appropriate to purpose and audience (VCELY329)

  • Reread and edit own and others’ work using agreed criteria for text structures and language features (VCELY330)

  • Use a range of software including word processing programs to construct, edit and publish written text, and select, edit and place visual, print and audio elements (VCELY332)

  • Understand that patterns of language interaction vary across social contexts and types of texts and that they help to signal social roles and relationships (VCELA334)

Design Technologies

  • Critique needs or opportunities for designing, and investigate materials, components, tools, equipment and processes to achieve intended designed solutions (VCDSCD038)

  • Generate, develop, communicate and document design ideas and processes for audiences using appropriate technical terms and graphical representation techniques (VCDSCD039)

Digital Technologies

  • Plan, create and communicate ideas, information and online collaborative projects, applying agreed ethical, social and technical protocols (VCDTDI029)

Personal & Social Capability

  • Identify the characteristics of an effective team and develop descriptions for particular roles including leadership, and describe both their own and their team’s performance when undertaking various roles (VCPSCSO032)

  • Describe the various causes of conflict and evaluate possible strategies to address conflict (VCPSCSO033)

The Arts - Drama

  • Explore dramatic action, empathy and space in improvisations, play-building and scripted drama, to develop characters and situations (VCADRE029)