Haunted Mansion


Director: Siana Thomas

Main Writer: Huuan Dinh

Chief Editor: Tony Dedic

Voice Actor: Isabella Kertsch

Sound Designer: Harrison McCarthy Milonas

For many years, 5 teen best friends had been hearing whispers of a haunted mansion on the outskirts of town. Find out what happens when they go on a journey to discover what exists in the haunted old mansion.

Episode 1: The Journey

Episode 2: The Arrival

Episode 3: The Chaos

Episode 4: The Return

Episode 1

Episode 1

The Journey

Episode 4

Episode 2

The Arrival

Episode 2

Episode 3

The Chaos

Episode 3

Episode 4

The Return


Learning Reflection

Watch our video where our group reflects on our learning during our podcast task


Podcast Script - Haunted Mansion.pdf