Library Expectations

Yorba Linda High School Library

Student Information and Expectations

Our general rule for student behavior is RESPECT! Respect the rights of other students and staff members using the library while taking care to use books, computers, and other materials in an appropriate manner.

NO FOOD OR DRINKS IN THE LIBRARY.   Water is ok. Please keep the library clean and pest free by not breaking this 

Library Access:  Every time you use the library on your own time (break, lunch, before 9r after school, free period), no matter the reason, you must sign in at one of the computers as you enter the library or use the posted QR code. Keeping usage statistics is important to the library and to the school to maintain services to students. Students may come to the library before and after school, during break and lunch. Anytime a student comes to the library during regularly scheduled class time, they must show a written pass or be part of a class, which has scheduled time in the library. Students may use the library during unassigned periods, but their behavior must not be disruptive to library staff or other students. Students may be denied access to the library if there is more than one class scheduled to use the facility during that time or there is other school and/or library business being conducted.

Library At Lunch: This is a time for students to get peer tutoring from NHS students.  The library can also be used for quiet study, quiet conversations, to use the puzzle table or coloring station.  Groups of more than 4 will be denied access during lunch. Shelf browsing is a lone activity and students must sit in the main area of the library--not on the floor anywhere.

Library Books:  Students may check out up to 10 library books at a time, no more than two on the same subject. A current student I.D. card is required for any library book or textbook checkouts. NO BOOKS WILL BE CHECKED OUT WITHOUT AN I.D.CARD!! and a photo of your ID card is not accepted. Library books are checked out for three weeks and may be renewed for three additional weeks. Test Preparation books can be checked out for one 3-week period, they cannot be renewed; this gives other students a chance to use the book. With librarian permission, reference books can be checked out overnight. Lost and damaged library books are assessed by the current replacement cost plus a $5.00 processing fee.

A note about censorship:  Reading is a joy and the right of every student. As you select reading materials ( fiction and nonfiction books, comics etc.), please understand that not every piece is the best choice for every student. If a book is unappealing or offensive to you in any way, please return it and select something else. You, the student, know which reading materials best serve you and your standards, reading level and beliefs. The library and its staff are not here to judge or censor your reading choices. If we don’t have what you are looking for, request it, or check out the public library.

Overdue Library Books:  Overdue notices are sent to students via school email every Friday, and through Language Arts classes at the end of the first three quarters. Do not ignore overdue notices.  If you receive one, please come to the Library right away to return or renew the book listed on the notice. There are no fines for overdue materials, but your prompt return of materials is expected! When you have overdue books, you are denied the right to check out other library materials. Each month, indebtedness notices are sent to the finance clerk. The school finance clerk will not sell tickets for YLHS activities if there is an outstanding library debt. All debts must be cleared by the end of each school year. Failure to clear your debts means that you will not be able to go through registration the following year or you will not be able to pick up your cap and gown if you are graduating.

Library Use:  Studying, quiet conversation, quiet use of your phone, appropriate computer use, and browsing through books are acceptable behaviors. Study carrels are intended for students that wish a quieter spot to study. Do not sit in these areas if you wish to talk with friends; please choose a seat in the main/center area. Room 155  next to the study carrels, is the College and Career Center/ Wellness Room and the College/Career Technician will determine the rules for useWe have many items your can use in the library with the exchange of your ID card like Textbooks, emergency chromebooks & cables, and games.

Library Behavior:  Boisterous or rowdy conduct, including but not limited to running, intentionally dropping books, loud conversations, talking to students beyond the table where you are seated, leaving trash etc, is not acceptable. Such actions may cause you to lose library privileges, or in extreme cases may lead to disciplinary action such as hours or suspension.

Copy Machine:  There is a coin-operated photocopier available for all students. The cost is 5¢ per page. The item to be copied should be placed face down, vertically and in the upper left corner of the glass. There is also a document feeder and many options for shrinking, enlarging and doing double-sided copies. Please do not put pennies in the photocopier. If you need change or assistance with the photocopier, please ask a student aide, the library clerk, or the librarian.

Textbooks:  The Library also manages the textbooks for the school. Necessary textbooks are checked out during registration and through the school year as needed--a current ID card is always required for checkout. If you damage a book beyond normal wear and tear you will be assessed a repair fee or you may be charged for the replacement of the book. Anything with a PYLUSD barcode in the upper left corner or on the spine of the book is considered a textbook (this includes class novels) and should not be written in. All textbooks need to be returned at the end of the school year, or if they are no longer needed during the school year (such as class novels that are only needed for 6-8 weeks, or a book that is only a semester class like Health or Government/Economics). They are assumed lost if not returned, so the school needlessly spends money on replacements. You will be held up during registration if you do not clear your textbook debts beforehand.  There are copies of each textbook for use in the library behind the circulation desk. You must trade your ID card to use one.

Using Library Computers:  Generally, no special permission is required to use computers in the library but please note the following:

Please feel free to ask for help when you do not know how to operate hardware or software, or if you cannot find information on the topic for which you are searching or a book on the shelf. We are here to help you be successful!


Yorba Linda High School Library Staff:

Mrs. Sarah Phillips, MLIS      Teacher-Librarian

Mrs. Nancy Arias            Library Assistant

Updated 9/25/2023