Spanish Language Arts 7

This elective course will form part of the DLA program at the middle school level.  The Spanish Language Arts content serves as a vehicle to further develop Spanish literacy skills acquired in the K-6 DLA program.  Students will continue to develop these literacy skills in Spanish through the use of varied texts and novels.  

Emphasis will be placed on reading, writing, speaking and listening.  Some of the possible novels will be: "La distancia entre nosotros," "Invisible," "La reina del taco," and "La tía Lola vino de visita a quedarse."

We use the “Inquiry By Design” curriculum which delivers research-based instruction in reading, writing, and speaking & listening through a combination of key classroom practices, all of which are reflected in the materials for dual language classes. 

These practices include: 

These texts then serve as the basis for the remaining practices

The goal of this course is to equip students with the literacy skills to offer students the chance at taking the AP Spanish Language exam at the end of their 8th grade year.