Questions & Answers

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How many classes will students be taking in Spanish?

A: Students will be taking three of their seven classes in Spanish both in 7th and 8th grades.  These classes are: Spanish Language Arts, Science and Social Science

Q: Will students in the Dual Language Academy learn the same curriculum as their peers?

A: Yes!  All classes regardless of language of instruction follow the same standards and curriculum and are held to the same rigor.

Q: Which are some resources my child can use to keep up Spanish during the summer?

A: Please click on this LINK to see a list.

Q: How can my student grow in his/her conversational Spanish?

A: Practice, practice, practice!  If Spanish is spoken in the home, make speaking it a must--even if some English is necessary.  If Spanish is not spoken in the home, then students are encouraged (an expected) to speak to one another in Spanish while in their DLA classes.  Even if students relate to one another better in English, every effort should be made to remain in the target language.

Beyond this, seeking out opportunities to speak Spanish outside of school is the goal.