Ann Soldo


The Dream Lab is...

Quotes from 3rd Graders

The EPIC WIN is a success that is achieved through hard work and perseverance.

Here are a few clips of joyful learning moments. They are guaranteed to put a smile on your face.

In the Dream Lab, students develop their 4Cs skills.

Creativity * Communication * Critical Thinking * Collaboration

Follow the links below to see what our Ann Soldo All Stars have been up to in the Dream Lab.

The Ann Soldo Elementary School Dream Lab is an innovative 21st century learning space. It is designed to prepare students for competitive college and career readiness. The Dream Lab seeks to positively impact school climate with staff, student, and family participation. It is stocked with edtech tools, including: Chromebooks, iPads, video production equipment, a variety of codable robots, and microscopes. It is an adaptable, predominantly open space, enabling a wide variety of hands-on, student-centered activities.

El Laboratorio de sueños en Ann Soldo es un innovador espacio de aprendizaje del siglo 21. Está diseñado para preparar a los estudiantes para el colegio competitivo y la preparación profesional. El Laboratorio de sueños busca impactar positivamente el clima escolar con el personal, el estudiante y la participación familiar. Tiene una variedad de herramienta tecnológica incluyendo Chromebooks, iPads, equipo de video y robots. Es un espacio adaptable, predominantemente abierto, que permite una amplia variedad de actividades prácticas, centradas en el estudiante.

After a mini-lesson on gesture (n., a movement of one's body, limbs, or face that expresses emotion or feelings) these second graders uses the MeMatic app to create these Dream Lab memes.

DL Stop Motion

Welcome to the Dream Lab

The Dream Lab is staffed by Marina Maldonado, PVUSD Technology Integration Coach.