
Curriculum, and


Welcome to 6th Grade!


Mrs. Hughes, Room 17


The transition from 5th grade to middle school can be a challenging one for our students! There are many changes in routines and new things to learn…like the locker combination! However, I believe that communication is the key! As it is my hope to teach our students responsibility and help them be successful, I am also here to help! Please feel free to contact me throughout the year with any questions or concerns!

I can be contacted via any of the following:

Phone: 805-491-3822 ext. 217


What should I bring to school/class every day?

-CHARGED Chromebook



-College ruled loose leaf paper

-Writer’s notebook and folder (these items will be supplied)

-Folder and spiral notebook for History

-History textbook

ELA materials- as needed (I will inform you what you will need)

-Any homework or class work that is due on that day

Daily Procedures:

  1. Line up outside the classroom until I invite you to come inside.
  2. Take out all necessary supplies and be ready for class to begin.
  3. Begin opening activity; silent reading or activity indicated on board.
  4. At the end of class, upon teacher dismissal, note homework, clean up all supplies and personal belongings and push in your chair before you leave the classroom.


Language Arts/Writing:

This year we will continue using Lucy Calkins Units of Study for writing. There are three units of study: personal narrative, informative and argumentative. We will also be reading two novels; Tuck Everlasting and A Long Walk to Water. In addition, we will be implementing our curriculum from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt called Collections. This program will mainly be online, however, supplemental material will be distributed.


We will be exploring world history and learning about ancient civilizations. I am excited to help our students learn all they can through reading, writing and class projects. They are encouraged to get involved and be a part of history in our classroom! Some of the ancient civilizations will be Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China, Greece and Rome.


100%-90% A

89%-80% B Tests/Quizzes 50%

79%-70% C Class work/Projects 40%

69%-60% D Homework 10%

59% and below F

Classroom Management:

Classroom Rules:

  1. Be respectful at all times.
  2. Be attentive when others are talking.
  3. Be prepared with necessary materials and be ready when the bell rings.
  4. Always try your best.
  5. Be a positive role model within our classroom/school community.


At SRTMS, Middle School behavior is monitored by a point system. Each student starts with 100 points. Points can be deducted if behavior or lack of preparation for class becomes a problem. The student will receive a slip indicating the amount of points taken off (either 2 or 4). This slip must be taken home and signed by a parent/guardian and returned to school. Students can make up points by serving either a lunch or after-school restriction.

I also offer individual and class incentives when behavior warrants reward, however the biggest reward I offer is positive reinforcement and praise. I promote a classroom community where no student feels “out of place.” However, if negative behavior is present, I will conference with the student and clarify rules. If negative behavior continues, a phone call or email will be made/sent to the parent and student may be referred to the office.

Homework Policy

Students may spend approximately 60 minutes on sixth grade homework per night, all subjects combined. It is a good idea for homework to be noted every day before they leave the classroom. This information can also be found on my website as well as Google Classroom.

Please refer to PVSD Homework policy for any clarification.

Test Retakes

Any student who scores less than 70% on a [major test] has one opportunity to retake or correct the test for a maximum score of 70%.

Test corrections or retakes must be completed within one week of the test being returned. Students will be notified when the test is returned and parents will be notified by email.

Benchmarks and final exams are excluded from this policy.

Late Work Policy

Late work will be accepted up to one calendar week with a 10% decrease in the maximum score per calendar day (i.e. one day late is a maximum score of 90%).

After one calendar week, the assignment score is a zero. Students will be notified when this policy does not pertain to specific assignments such as end of trimester assignments.


It is crucial that students attend school every day! Please note that careful planning goes into every lesson; when students are absent it makes it very difficult for them to catch up on instruction and assignments. However, If a student is absent, they will be responsible to check the website and/or Google Classroom on their own upon the first day of returning back to class and gather all materials needed for make-up work. Any clarification or handouts needed can be asked of the teacher or a “study buddy” before the end of the day. Make-up work is due within the same amount of school days as the student was absent.


Cheating will not be tolerated! Zero credit will be given for any assignments on which a student cheats and disciplinary action will be taken for all students involved.

You are encouraged to check Parent-Connect at any time to stay up-to-date on your child’s grades.