6th Grade ELA

Welcome to our 6th Grade ELA Class!

Hello! Our ELA page will contain info about our class including links to helpful sites, our syllabus, and websites we will be using. This course will be following the Haughton Mifflin textbook California Collections and incorporating the ELA Common Core Standards on reading, writing, and listening. Students will find everything they need posted in google classroom. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need anything or have any questions.

Mr. Thomas Maires

I have included a couple of resources below to help guide you through learning in my classroom.  

Click on the underlined words below to go to linked websites.

Helpful Materials

To the right is a copy of my digital syllabus. You can find a copy of the syllabus handed out on the first week of school here

For specifics on classroom and campus behavior expectations/policies please read our parent & student handbook!

Digital Syllabus ELA
Week at a Glance 23/24

Here is our week at a glance! I will do my best to update this every Sunday!

Thank you to everyone who has donated books to our class library! It is looking very full!  You all rock! 

Here is our "One Word 2022" activity in which we chose a word that we want to represent 2022! 

The best place to view grades is in Q Student and Parent Connect!

If your score was not what you hoped on a test or quiz you can complete a test/quiz correction. This applies to any student who scores lower than 75%. Students must schedule retakes with Mr. Maires at lunch.