8th Grade History

We will use Google Classroom as the daily agenda. This is where I will post what we do in class, and what is assigned for homework. If your student is absent, they need to log into their Google Classroom and review the agenda for the day they missed. Often, assignments will be linked in the agenda for easy access.

Google Classroom has a Guardian Summary option. This will send you a weekly update of what we did in Google Classroom. If you would like to sign up, please email me with the email address for which you would like to receive the summaries. You can also ask your students to sign into their Classroom to see their daily view.

If you are absent, this is the first place you should check when determining what you have missed. When you return to class, go to the "Handouts" board to see if you need any handouts. Lastly, ask me for clarification.

Many Assignments will be assigned and completed in Google Classroom.

Join Codes: 1B: 9oku8x6

2B: cd0zdu2

3B: ugt7g5