English 2 Honors

Essential Question

As we read our core novels and supplemental texts this year, we'll be exploring a series of Essential Questions. What is an Essential Question? It's a thought-provoking question that doesn't have a simple answer! As we read and consume a variety of media (books, articles, videos, etc..) we'll have great discussion and grapple with the Essential Question. We may never come to a final answer, but the process is going to stretch our critical thinking and challenge us to grow! We will have a yearlong Essential Question that ties all of our core novels together, and each unit will have a smaller Essential Question that relates to the yearlong EQ.

Our yearlong essential question: How do we find and support our authentic selves in today's world?

Unit 1: How do we maintain integrity while simultaneously pursuing our goals and facing social pressures? Are there consequences if we can’t?

What are we reading?


By William Shakespeare

Lord of the Flies

By William Golding

The Catcher in the Rye

By JD Salinger


By George Orwell