Software Resources

EdTech companies around the world are opening their products, for free, to school-aged students and school staff. There is no way we could create a comprehensive list, so we're going to focus on the tools that our students could most benefit from.

Adobe Creative Cloud

Many of our students use Adobe software in our computer lab - Photoshop and InDesign, in particular. Adobe has expanded their licensing to allow students to use their software at home, if their school already uses the Creative Cloud suite.

If you need access to these tools, please share this need with your classroom teacher. They'll pass the information along to PVPA's IT department, after which you should receive an email with instructions.

Google Read&Write

PVPA actually already owns a district license for the Google Read&Write product by Texthelp. Read&Write provides a number of tools for text-to-speech and speech-to-text, as well as some great organizational tools that integrate with the GSuite apps.

To begin using Read&Write, simply install the Chrome extension on your Chromebook or Chrome browser. (Use this link to directly access the software in the Chrome Web Store.) Be sure you are logged into your PVPA email account (and no other Gmail accounts) when using this product.

Course-Specific Resources

There are a number of products that are applicable to a single department or just a few courses. In that case, the IT department will be working with the classroom teachers to ensure that their students have access to the necessary tools to complete their schoolwork.

If you are aware of any other resources that might be helpful, please email Thom at