Supporting & Engaging
the PVPA Community


PVPA's school closure due to concerns about COVID-19 transmission presents an unprecedented situation for everyone. Our primary goal is to ensure that all members of our school community–students, families, faculty, staff, and others–are supported socially, emotionally, academically, and artistically to the extent possible. These pages provide helpful resources, and also serve to streamline communication. Please check back often!


PVPA Remote Begins April 13th

Now that our students have had the opportunity to catch up, we are ready to launch PVPA Remote, our remote learning model. Expect the first week's agenda to come to your student by Monday, April 13th at 8AM.

PVPA Remote Announcement Letter

Anuncio en Español

PVPA Remote Breakdown for Families

Student and Family "To Do"

PVPA Remote Master Schedule Guide

Student and Family Guide

This page contains a chronological archive of PVPA communications for your reference.

Ensuring the health and wellness of all members of the PVPA community is of utmost importance to us. This includes families of our students, in addition to the staff and students themselves. If you are struggling to find the type of assistance you need, try using this list of resources. If you can't find what you need, please reach out to a school counselor or the school nurse for additional assistance.

Helping our children to find positive and productive ways to spend their time is important! Our teachers are working to ensure every student is on track to earn credit in their courses. However, many parents are looking for additional learning resources for their children. Come check out our curated list of resources, updated continually as they arrive.

If you or someone you're concerned about is struggling with food-related issues, please check out this list of available resources.

Digital media is how many of us are staying connected and carrying out our daily tasks. Instructional technology tools can be critically important to ensuring student success in such an event as we're experiencing right now. Please review and share these resources with others.

Social media is full of "news" about the novel coronavirus and, to be honest, not all of it is accurate. To help families get accurate information, we'll try to share resources and news sources that we feel are reputable and responsible in their reporting.