Land Acknowledgement

We are situated in the traditional territories of the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation, the Haudenosaunee, and the Anishinaabe peoples.

For thousands of years, these lands have been home to Indigenous peoples who have lived, hunted, fished, and gathered here. They have cared for and maintained these lands, passing down their knowledge and traditions from generation to generation.

As we learn, play, and grow together on this land, we acknowledge the histories, cultures, and contributions of the Indigenous peoples who have been here since time immemorial. We recognize the ongoing importance of their connection to the land and the challenges they continue to face.

Let us all work towards building relationships of mutual respect, understanding, and reconciliation with the Indigenous peoples of this land.

Truth and Reconsilliation 

There are many resources available for understanding and learning about  Truth and Reconciliation in Canada.

Some curated materials are available to review here. 

Residential Schools and Reconciliation

Orange Shirt Day

The Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation  

My Seven Grandfather Teachings Booklet.pdf

Grandfather Teachings 

Residential Schools and Reconciliation.pdf

Residential School Resources 

13 Moons 13 Reads Turtle Parts Book.pdf

Indigenous Calendar 

16AmazingFirstNationsMetisandInuitArtistsYouShouldKnowCanada-1 (1).pdf

Amazing FNMI artists