What is the PCO?

a volunteer organization of parents, teachers and school staff. We changed the name to Parent Community Organization because it includes both the membership of our school community (teachers, staff) as well as everyone involved in your children’s lives – not just parents. (Moms, dads, grandparents, aunts/uncles, guardians, caregivers, etc.)

What does the PCO do?

The goal of the PCO is to make PVMS a more rounded place to be by incorporating the social and fun activities that complete the educational experience.

The PCO:

We are inclusive:

ANY and ALL caregivers of our students – in addition to Mom, Dads and teachers, we also welcome Grandparents, Guardians, Aunts/Uncles, etc..   ALL are welcome to attend our monthly meetings, help with activities and join our Facebook group.

No commitment

We know how busy you are! Come for just one or two meetings or get involved with all of our meetings and activities! We are flexible! We seek people who are willing to help with events, ideas, or perhaps have any special skills they may want to share.

Current Chairperson: Alyssa Chapdelaine
