Grading Policy

Grading Policy


All graded work is done at school. If a child is absent, the missing work will need to be made up at school. Usually this occurs during lunch recess or Silent Reading period.


This occurs almost daily. I try to pass back graded assignments within a day of completion. You will notice a score on the top of the assignment in the form of a fraction. The top number (numerator) stands for the number correct on the assignment. The bottom number (denominator) stands for the number possible on the assignment. My students have been taught to divide the numerator by the denominator, then move the decimal to the right, two places to find the percentage.

The grading scale is as follows:





59% and Below=F.


The purpose of the Redo Policy is to not only help a student's overall grade average, but HOPEFULLY help a student learn from their own mistakes.

Graded assignments that achieve a percentage grade of 69% or below will usually have the words: "Redo and Return" written next to the score. Students can then redo anything missed on the original assignment either by using a different color to show the new answer or by rewriting the answer on a different sheet of paper to show the new answer. The new answers are graded and the new grade given is an average of the original score and the new score. In the gradebook, the new score is marked with a "R" to indicate the assignment has been "redone".


Since the Redo Policy is in effect and helps by improving an overall grade average, Extra Credit is generally not offered. However, there are occasional Extra Credit opportunities offered to the whole class on assignments or quizzes and/or tests.

Check your child's current grades online.

Click on the following link: