Nurse's Office

Mrs. Mistichelli is our school nurse:

2023-24 protocols 

**Nurse's office closed 4th period and from 1:00-1:30pm. Emergencies will report to the main office. 


Scoliosis screening is done bi-annually on all students, ages 10 through 18 years old, in the beginning of the school year.  Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine.  Students’ height, weight, and blood pressure are screened yearly; vision is done bi-annually (K-10th grade) and hearing is done annually (K-3rd and then again 7th and 11th grades).  Parents will be notified of deficiencies.

Physical exams are required (within 30 days of enrollment) for all students transferring in from another district, participating in school sports and applying for working papers.  See the nurse for appropriate physical forms.  It is also strongly recommended that you obtain a medical exam for your child at least once during their 6- 8th grade years.

The cost of the medical exam is the responsibility of the family.  If you are financially unable to meet this requirement, please contact the school nurse to determine if you are eligible for services.


Medication should only be given in school in those few cases where long term treatment is needed and not for temporary illness.  

Medication is to be brought in by the parent/guardian.  If it is important for the child to have medication in school, then it should be brought in by the parent.

No medication, including over the counter drugs, will be given by the nurse without written doctor’s orders from the attending physician or by routine standing orders provided by the school physician which are to be updated each year.  A written note from the parent giving permission for the school nurse to give the medication must also be received.  

Physician’s orders must be exact – name of medicine (no abbreviations), date, time and dosage.  Medication must be in the original container or prescription bottle.  The druggist will give you a labeled bottle to take to school, if necessary.  Information on the labeled bottle must match physician’s orders.  New orders from the doctor are required annually.  Even P.R.N. (whenever necessary) orders are to be renewed in the beginning of each school year.  Medications will NOT be accepted in anything other than the appropriately prescribed medical container; parents are to bring these medications in, not the students

The nurse permits students to bring in cough drops, but they are to be kept in her office in order to monitor student usage and to avoid students giving out cough drops to others (many students are allergic to trace amounts of medicines found in certain cough drops).  It’s greatly appreciated that parents send in a note giving written permission for the nurse to dispense the cough drops that parents send in.  

 We hope to teach our students a healthy attitude toward medication & we appreciate your support.