Dress Code

In all cases in accordance with Policy #5132, school administrators will determine what is “appropriate attire”; if you are unsure if something is appropriate, please ask the Principal or Assistant Principal. Students who choose not to meet the dress code will not be permitted in class until they change into acceptable clothing. Violations of the dress code will result in disciplinary action.

Updated July 2021

  1. Students are expected to avoid extremes in appearance that are so disruptive or distracting that the reaction of other students is beyond typical behavior.

  2. Pants are to be worn fastened & at the waist.

  3. Length of skirts, dresses, & shorts are to reach to the mid-point of the hand, including tears/rips that have wide openings.

  4. Shirts are to cover the front, back, and sides, including the stomach.

  5. No revealing/provocative clothing of any kind. The following are NOT permitted: transparent or see-through tops (a shirt underneath is appropriate); strapless and halter tops; low-cut clothing or tops; & outfits that provide minimum coverage.

  6. Undergarments shall not be visible.

  7. Sleepwear and items perceived as, or that resemble, such are inappropriate for school (i.e., no pajamas or slippers).

  8. Offensive items are prohibited. Anything that promotes, advertises, depicts or mentions anything associated with drugs, alcohol, tobacco products or things of a violent or sexual nature are not allowed. Anything that is vulgar, obscene, lewd, rude, or is aimed at demeaning a specific group or individual(s) is prohibited.

  9. Hats and headgear are permitted at administrative discretion.

  10. Any article of jewelry considered to be a safety hazard is prohibited.

  11. If you are not sure if something may or may not be worn, check with your Principal before wearing it to school.

  12. Exceptions for special events (Spirit Week, etc.) or individual exemptions (health, religious, etc.) may be granted by an administrator.