Chromebook Care and Use

Chromebook and Accessories Care

Once all signed paperwork is turned in, the Chromebook and accessories are yours for the summer and all of next school year. Your Chromebook is similar to your textbooks in that you are to take extremely good care of it. You need to make sure you know where it is at all times and it is always charged and ready to go for the school day.

You should not clean your Chromebook with any type of liquid wipe or cleaner. Be very cautious to not eat or drink near your Chromebook as it will damage the device. You should also never close your Chromebook with anything on the keyboard (example: pencil, pen, cell phone, etc.).

Remember, when your Chromebook is turned back into the district, it should be in the same condition in which is was received. If there is any damage, whether accidental or deliberate, a fine will go to the student's account.

Please see "Damages" tab for further information and always remember to let your teacher know if something seems not right with your Chromebook.

Appropriate Use

As with anything, it is our role as educators to explain and teach the appropriate use for technology and internet devices. Our teachers and staff have been trained to work with students and advise students on the appropriate use of their Chromebooks and the internet.

The student Chromebooks are an extension of their daily lessons and learning. The Chromebooks are to be used for school-related projects, homework, Google Classrooms, tests/quizzes and school assignments. Chromebooks should not be used for any other reason. While Chromebooks are to go home each night with the students, they are to be used only for school-related purposes, just as a text book, novel, calculator or instrument would be used.