A student community, also known as a student club or organization, is a place where students, faculty, and staff can find their place to belong at Purdue Global. Communities are categorized as Program-Related/Professional, General Interest, or Affinity & Identity Groups. 

Purdue Global also offers membership in a variety of honor societies to students who meet specialized academic requirements. Membership in honor societies is by invitation only. Read more about honor societies at Purdue Global. 

Program-Related/Professional Communities

These communities are directly related to programs of study at Purdue Global or are Purdue Global chapters of national professional organizations. Some require members to be enrolled in particular departments or programs. There may also be a fee for membership in the national organization. Please review eligibility requirements in the community description.

Communities are typically led by a student executive board and faculty or staff advisor. Each community determines the frequency and style of its meetings and events.

Business and Management Student Association

BAMSA is open to undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in any business or management program. This community provides an opportunity to connect with valuable resources, develop a professional network of peers, and acquire knowledge and skills to prepare students for a successful career.

Digital Authority of Technology Association (DATA)

DATA is the umbrella for Purdue Global’s IT-related communities, which include:

Students in IT and related programs of all levels are invited to participate in DATA. The community provides a structure for learning both outside and in the academic classroom. Activities are designed for students to gain new skills, study for certifications, and prepare for academic competitions, as well as the real-world scenarios they will face in their careers.

Educators Club

The Educators Club looks to provide resources to help educators encourage, create, support, and maintain engaged learning in the arts and sciences. We welcome present and future teachers from all educational settings. The Educators Club includes teachers and education-related majors from early childhood to college level.

Entrepreneurship Club

This community’s purpose is to support the entrepreneurial spirit in all fields on a local, national, and global level. Students from all programs are welcome. Entrepreneurship Club is a chapter of Collegiate Entrepreneurs Organization (CEO)®.

Finance and Investment Club

Finance and Investment Club is a community of students interested in financial and investment knowledge and best practices. Students from all programs are welcome.

Human Services Club

Human Services Club looks to increase awareness of the field of human services and social issues impacting individuals and families, to determine ways to serve and help the communities that we all live in, and to gain exposure to the broader aspects of the field of human services through guest speakers and career information. Students enrolled in any program are welcome to join.

Law Society

Purdue Global Law Society promotes understanding of key legal issues involving justice, public policy, and environmental law and policy. The community is committed to providing a forum for students interested in law-related fields to learn more through networking, community involvement, political involvement, and potential mentoring opportunities, while developing constructive communication skills. Students from all programs are welcome.

Psychology Club

Share the wonder and science of the study of the mind with others in an academically focused community of learners. All students are welcome.

Public Safety Club

Public Safety Club unites students in developing and maintaining a high standard of education and enhancing their understanding of the various aspects of public safety. The community aims to encourage, stimulate, and maintain excellence among students at Purdue Global in the field of public safety. The community provides networking, education, and employment opportunities, as well as stimulating discussions about current issues in the field. Students from any program related to public safety are welcome.

SHRM (Society for Human Resources Management)

SHRM invites all students in a human resources-related field to join this student chapter. Members will have the option to become full student members of the national organization at a greatly discounted rate, but all are welcome to participate in the Purdue Global community for free. Learn more about SHRM at their website.

Student Bar Association

All students of Purdue Global Law School’s Juris Doctor and Executive Juris Doctor programs are members of the Student Bar Association, the student government organization of PGLS. The executive board of SBA sponsors a variety of webinars and info sessions throughout the year to assist students and build community. For more information about SBA, please contact the dean’s office.

Supply Chain Club

Love to talk logistics? Down for some distribution discussions? Students enrolled in any program are invited to join this group to learn more about the Supply Chain concentration. Students already in the program are also encouraged to join for to build relationships and find academic support.

General Interest Communities

These communities are open to any active student, meaning that students may sign up at any time. 

The members of these communities share a common interest that may or may not be related to their program of study. There is no fee to join. Communities are typically led by a student executive board and a faculty or staff advisor. Each community determines the frequency and style of its meetings and events.

American Red Cross

Serve your local community as a member of the first nationwide university chapter of the American Red Cross. As a member, you will be matched with volunteer needs in your region as well as online opportunities in disaster relief, blood donations, emergency training and certification, and more. Visit the American Red Cross online to learn more.

Autism Speaks U

Autism Speaks U at Purdue Global is a registered chapter of Autism Speaks. Autism Speaks is dedicated to creating an inclusive world for all individuals with autism throughout their lifespan. The organization does this through advocacy, services, support, research and innovation, and advances in care for autistic individuals and their families. Learn more at

Chess Club

Meet fellow enthusiasts of the Game of Kings and hone your skills, or drop in to learn more about queens, bishops, and pawns. All skill levels welcome!

Educators Club

The Educators Club looks to provide resources to help educators encourage, create, support, and maintain engaged learning in the arts and sciences. We welcome present and future teachers from all educational settings. The Educators Club includes teachers and education-related majors from early childhood to college level.

Entrepreneurship Club

This community’s purpose is to support the entrepreneurial spirit in all fields on a local, national, and global level. Students from all programs are welcome. Entrepreneurship Club is a chapter of the Collegiate Entrepreneurs Organization (CEO)®.

ESports Club

ESports at Purdue Global connects players of League of Legends, Rocket League, Fortnite, Call of Duty, Apex Legends, Valorant, and more! Single-player gamers are also welcome. 

Finance and Investment Club

Finance and Investment Club is a community of students interested in financial and investment knowledge and best practices. Students from all programs are welcome.

Human Services Club

Human Services Club looks to increase awareness of the field of human services and social issues impacting individuals and families, to determine ways to serve and help the communities that we all live in, and to gain exposure to the broader aspects of the field of human services through guest speakers and career information. Students enrolled in any program are welcome to join.

Law Society

Purdue Global Law Society promotes understanding of key legal issues involving justice, public policy, and environmental law and policy. The community is committed to providing a forum for students interested in law-related fields to learn more through networking, community involvement, political involvement, and potential mentoring opportunities, while developing constructive communication skills. Students from all programs are welcome.

Philosophy Society

“Philosophy is not a theory but an activity.” – Ludwig Wittgenstein The purpose of this community is to create a space where members can engage in constructive and thoughtful discourse about different philosophical issues. Students from all programs are welcome.

Psychology Club

Share the wonder and science of the study of the mind with others in an academically focused community of learners. All students are welcome.

Science Club

The Science Club aims to provide a place for students to develop a deeper understanding of all disciplines of science and their applications to our daily lives. Students from all programs are welcome.

Student Military Association

SMA seeks to create a community for students that provides the esprit de corps that they enjoyed in the military. The association is open to active-duty service members, prior military, and military spouses and dependents from all six branches of the United States Armed Forces. Student Military Association is an affiliated chapter of Student Veterans of America, a national veterans organization.

Writing Club

Poets, playwrights, and novelists, you’ve found your home! Writers for all media are welcome in this community where students share their work for feedback and develop their skills. The community also delves into the publishing industry and explores how to share work on a wider platform.

Affinity & Identity Groups

Affinity and Identity Groups (AIGs) are communities based on a student’s identity or shared personal experience. These groups are designed to provide support, camaraderie, and resources for members. 

AIGs are open to any student who has shared personal experience with the community or wishes to express allyship for that community. Students who are uncertain about whether they should join a community are encouraged to reach out to the faculty/staff advisor or Student Life for guidance.

Asian-American/Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Association

Join to build a community around the wide diversity of student experiences from the sub-continent to the South Pacific. 

Black Cultural Association

BCA welcomes students from the Black diaspora and allies of the Black and African-American communities. 

Caregivers Community

A place for those who are caring for children, elders, or those with special needs to support, celebrate, and share resources. 

Jewish Students Association

This group invites all those from a Jewish religious or ethnic background into the community for conversation and support. 

Latino/Latina Cultural Association

Todos los estudiantes are welcome in this group for Latinos and Latinas to share, support, and learn from each other. 

Native American/Alaska Native Cultural Association

Members and allies of all nations are invited to be a part of this space to share and relate. 

PG Pride Association

PG Pride is a place for all members and allies of the Purdue Global LGBTQAI2S+ community to build relationships, support, and celebrate each other!