Employee Emergency Communications Plan

Updated: August 2023

As part of Purdue Global’s commitment to the safety and well‐being of their employees, we have established procedures to communicate quickly with all personnel in the event of an emergency. Several channels have been set up for employees to receive information from Purdue Global, and to relay information to their supervisors.

Major Storms or Hurricanes

Constant communication before, during and after a storm is critical. Every storm is different, but the need to share information quickly and accurately will always be a top priority. Reaching everyone quickly in an emergency requires employees to verify that their contact information in SuccessFactors is up to date. The phone numbers and e‐mail addresses on file in SuccessFactors will be the primary source for employee contact. Human Resources will require new hires to fill out their SuccessFactors information completely, and will remind current employees to review and update their information quarterly as well as prior to the beginning of hurricane season (June 1).

Before and After a Storm

Purdue Global has established multiple outlets where employees can receive work‐related storm information.


Before and after a storm, information pertaining to Purdue Global facilities in storm‐affected areas will be posted in the SOS website (sos.purdueglobal.edu) accessible via PGNet. As a storm is approaching, updates will be posted on the sites by the top of the hour, one hour after storm updates are issued by a government forecasting agency. For example, if the National Hurricane Center issues a hurricane advisory at 3:00 pm ET, the Purdue Global sites will post updates about how the businesses are affected by 4:00 pm ET.

Faculty and instructional supervisors should also check the Center of Teaching and Learning (CTL) site for additional messages that pertain specifically to this group of employees.


Every employee should have a Purdue Global SOS card. If not, they should contact their supervisor.

On the front of the card, is the toll free emergency hotline number: 1.866.527.5260 and the website sos.purdueglobal.edu. On the back, employees should fill in contact information for the team leader and back‐up team leader designated by their department, as well as meeting locations should they need to evacuate the building.

In an emergency, a recorded message with work‐related information will be updated regularly on the hotline.


Information about Purdue Global office closings or openings will be submitted to local radio and TV stations in the affected area with a request that our updates be broadcast during storm coverage. A list of media partners will be posted on the SOS site.

Supervisor‐Employee Contact

We realize that after a storm, many of our employees may be without electricity or telephone service. Employees will be required to make every effort to contact their supervisors to report on their well‐being. Employees who suffered significant loss and have been granted PTO, will be required to contact their supervisor daily to update their status.

Phone trees with team leaders exist at each facility. It is the responsibility of the team leader to keep an updated contact list of their employees, determine who is missing in the event of a crisis, and keep their group abreast of important company information. Instructional supervisors should do the same with their faculty.