Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. Do I have to have my manuscript proposal approved before I can submit my manuscript?

Q. What should my proposal include?

(1) Introduction: Provide background on the topic.

(2) Literature Review (two paragraphs): Discuss what scholars are saying about the topic.

(3) Approach: Discuss the method you will use to complete your manuscript and how it will add to the body of knowledge. Will you collect and analyze data? Will you use scholarly literature? How will your manuscript add to the body of knowledge and the field?

Additionally, the proposal length should be 250-word double-spaced (not counting title or reference pages). References shall be credible, and no more than one may be more than five years old. It must be formatted in APA 7th edition.

Q. Are all proposals approved?

Q. Where do I submit my manuscript?

Q. What format should my manuscript be submitted in?

Q. Should I number the pages of my manuscript?

Q. What is the word count for the manuscript?

Q. Can I use prior work?

Q. Can I ask a professor to review my manuscript before submission?

Q. What is the process once I submit my manuscript?

Note that more detailed information may be found in the Call for Proposals document and the Guardianship Submission Guidelines document.

Q. What is meant by the “Social Change or Impact” requirement of the manuscript?

Q. Does everyone have to include figures, figure legends, and tables?

Q. Can I use artificial intelligence (AI) to help me with my manuscript?

Q. If I follow all of the requirements, am I guaranteed that my manuscript will be published?

Q. Can we have more than one editor?

Q. If I have additional questions, where do I send those?

Q. Will there be an archive of prior Purdue Global Guardianship Journal publications?

Q. When will the Purdue Global Guardianship Journal be published?