
Silver Level (acting on it)

At this level, we emphasize the significance of intentional gestures that signal our care for the students we serve. Picture it as turning on your porch light on Halloween – a clear indication to the neighborhood kids that you have candy! Similarly, by letting students know you are a safe space for non-academic concerns, they'll be more likely to approach you. 

Skills Acquired 

How to Earn

For Student-Facing Faculty:

1.Watch the introductory video below.

2. Make your presence felt beyond the classroom or typical services by publishing basic needs support statements. 

3. Pledge your commitment to ongoing practice 

After completing tasks one and two complete badging form HERE

For Student-Facing Staff:

After completing tasks one and two complete badging form HERE

For Non-Student Facing Staff:

*Note: Any faculty and staff member is welcome to complete this to earn a silver level or to participate in these for personal growth and fellowship.

Curious about what Power Hour is? Click here 

After completing tasks one and two complete badging form HERE

Silver Level Video

Best-in-Class Basic Needs:Silver Level-2.webm

Example Statements

Examples of statements of support