The science department at Purdue Global is excited to host the annual Purdue Global Earth Day Celebration as a part of the General Education Conference. We invite faculty, staff, students, and administrators to join us for a day of learning with presentations and activities centered on the theme Earth Day 2024: Our Sustainable Future.

Note: Registration required to enter Zoom Event.  Please see the registration page for additional information.

Earth Day Posters

Solar Systems - a Friend or a Foe.pptx


Gustavo Gomez

Held v. Montana Video PPT.pdf


Jane McElligott

Home Solar Systems: A Friend or a Foe

Discuss my personal experiences, and challenges during the design, purchasing of the components, installation, and troubleshooting of my home solar system.

Youth Climate Litigation Movement: Riding the Wave of a Green Amendment in Held v. Montana (2023)

This presentation focuses on Held v. Montana (2023), a case in which sixteen youth relied upon Montana’s Green Amendment (which safeguards the “right to a clean and healthful environment”) to successfully challenge the constitutionality of a provision of the Montana Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) known as the MEPA Limitation. The MEPA Limitation bars “state agencies from considering the impacts of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions or climate change in their environmental reviews” for fossil fuel permits (Bookman, 2023). 

The Montana trial court ruled in favor of the youth Plaintiffs, striking down the MEPA Limitation as a violation of the Plaintiffs’ fundamental constitutional right under the Montana Constitution to a “clean and healthful environment.” The court declared that the state has a duty to protect citizens from climate change by considering the effects of GHGs and climate change in its agency decisions regarding fossil fuel permits. This case exemplifies the power of Green Amendments to effectuate positive change for climate justice.

Mud Matters.mp4


Ritu Sharma

Record Presentation (2024-04-12 13_26 GMT-5).mp4


Mud Matters

In celebration of Earth Day, I welcome you to join an insightful exploration into the often-underestimated value of mud in the creation of eco-friendly homes. This engaging session will delve into the time-honored and sustainable practice of using mud to craft bricks, shedding light on its environmental advantages and architectural possibilities. The focus is to underscore the pivotal role of mud as a renewable resource, significantly reducing carbon footprints, and contributing to sustainable construction practices (Mendili et al, 2021). Participants will gain valuable insights into both traditional and modern mud brick production techniques, highlighting the material's adaptability in crafting visually appealing and energy-efficient residences. By uncovering the ecological benefits and structural integrity of mud-based construction, the aim is to cultivate a renewed appreciation for nature's building materials, fostering a deeper understanding of eco-friendly housing solutions (Santos, 2019). Let us celebrate Mother Earth Day by acknowledging the potential of mud to shape a greener and more sustainable future.

Counting down to 2030: Who Will Achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals? 

Sustainability can be described as the relationship between the natural environment and human interaction, resulting in many different outcomes, both positive and negative, but according to the United Nations, the impact on future generations must be considered (U.N., n.d). If one examines the harsh reality of how people have directly and indirectly influenced our planet, causing a social, environmental, and economic imbalance, then the evidence is clear that a call to action and immediate intervention is needed before it is too late. The United Nations (n.d.) created a framework for change in 2015 called “The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development '' that was intended for use to develop a balanced, inclusive, and more equitable global condition which included 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). This session will highlight the UN’s 17 SDGs and present suggestions for sustainable activities that can be implemented beyond Earth Day by individuals, groups and into any course curriculum.



What are its benefits.pdf


Kathryn Vanderburg

Sustainability Stunted: The Fight for Front Yard Gardens

Food Sovereignty is “the right of peoples to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods and the right to define their own food and agriculture systems, ” (Declaration of Nyéléni, the first global forum on food sovereignty, Mali, 2007 ). Moving to a local food focus often starts with buying locally and planting a garden at home. However, scouting out the best location for the garden may depend less on light and more on local laws. From Florida to Maine restrictions on land use, most specifically, front yards have stunted the ability of landowners to grow their own food. From local ordinances to state laws, challenges to food sovereignty abound. Armed with research and local support, communities are changing these law and perceptions one area at a time. This presentation will explore the long-time prohibitions of front yard gardens and their implications on efforts toward food sovereignty with a side inspiration for getting that garden started.

Exploring Sustainable Dairy Practices for Carbon Neutrality

Current research in agriculture is centered around achieving carbon neutrality in confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) such as dairies. Methods range from feed additives to gas-capturing methods to specialized feeds, and even "going back to our roots" by applying best practices for healthy soil management. This infographic will delve into the role of soils as a valuable tool for carbon sequestration to counterbalance the environmental impact of CAFO systems. Some dairy farms are revolutionizing milk production by allowing animals to free-range, entering the milking parlor at their convenience alleviating animal stress, improving milk quality, and fostering healthier soils capable of sequestering the carbon emitted by the animals. Carbon neutrality is achievable! 

to the.mp4


Kathryn Vanderburg

PG Earth Day 2024 Edible Landscapes.mp4


Ingrid Bradley

Soils in Space & Farming the Martian Frontier

Let's delve into the fascinating world of extraterrestrial agriculture in a podcast hosted by experts in plant and soil science, and sustainable agricultural practices. We will delve into the intricate challenges and innovative solutions associated with agriculture and discuss cultivating crops in Martian soils. This current trend in research has been gaining traction even though many aspects circulating around soils on Earth are still unknown and unexplored. This discussion will offer insights into these technologies whether that be from hydroponics to Martian soil mineral composition, to soil modification for sustainable food production, and even robotics. Can we ever grow food on the Red Planet? Join us for a nuanced and scientific exploration of these possibilities.  

Edible Landscapes

Money and effort spent on ornamental, non-functional, landscape plantings by a home or office can be transformed into an edible landscape.  Most vegetables, herbs, and fruit plants are lovely additions to a landscape and take a minimal amount of effort.  The result is an edible landscape that celebrates the earth, promotes sustainable practices, and contributes to the nature of wild places.  This presentation can inspire ideas for making an edible landscape wherever one's home or office might be, whether in the ground or in containers. 



Wendi Wolfram

Earth Day 2024.mp4


"The Anthropogenic War"

The "asynchronous" video presentation will be a compilation of photographs, videos, and images designed to illustrate the written poem "The Anthropogenic War" where each stanza will be displayed on the screen telling the story of a a battle between nature and environmental change caused by humans, followed by the voice of sustainability bringing repair and a unity to return balance.

Warming Topics on the Intersectionality of Sustainability

Global communities are finally recognizing the importance of navigating the intricate web of environmental, social, and economic issues that will define the well-being of both current and future generations. Sustainability is not a stand-alone topic, but one that highlights the intersectionality of many domains. This presentation aims to touch on just a few of these intersections, beginning with the definition of sustainability as it is recognized today.  

Earth Day Photo Gallery

Reflection by Wendi Wolfram

Earth Day Presentation Tracks

Sustainable Living / Earth Day Everyday

Environmental challenges are changing our daily lives. As society becomes more aware of issues it’s being faced with, we are becoming better environmental stewards and choose to participate in sustainable living initiatives. We are seeking proposals that encapsulate the essence of sustainable living not just on Earth Day, but every day. Presentations should delve into the various dimensions of sustainable living, environmental awareness, and harmonious living by inspiring, educating, and making lasting impressions. We encourage you to submit a proposal if you have ideas that revolve around technological advancements, paradigm shifts, policy advocacy, community engagement, decision management, and the like. Presentations focused on daily conservation of natural resources and “green” living would also fit in this topic.

Sustainability Research

Contribute to this event through sharing groundbreaking research, innovations, and insights that will help us achieve a more sustainable future. The environment, energy, and climate are hot topic items within the scientific community. Presentations describing rigorous research initiatives, informed discussions, and collaborative efforts that address the environment, energy, climate, and other sustainability-related research are appropriate. Possible focus areas could include climate science and adaptations, renewable energy/sustainable energy technologies, biodiversity conservation and ecological restoration efforts, socio-economic impacts, social issues, and mitigation efforts, as well as any interdisciplinary studies connecting society to the domains.


Interdisciplinary Sustainability Topics

Cross-disciplinary collaboration is key to fostering innovative solutions that address and solve the complex challenges Earth is facing. Proposals that explore the interconnectedness of sustainability challenges in topics ranging from urban planning development, resilient communities, eco-friendly technologies, ethical considerations, equity, environmental justice, sustainable food systems, biodiversity, cultural perspectives, conservation efforts, sustainable business practices, supply chain management and logistics, ecological and human health, and the like are encouraged.


Sustainability and Technology

Contribute to the next generation of sustainable solutions with tech-driven answers to sustainability challenges. Appropriate presentations include highlighting the synergy between technology and sustainability. We aim to unveil how cutting-edge innovations are changing the way we address global environmental and human health concerns. Any presentations on AI-powered environmental monitoring and analysis platforms, smart cities, clean energy technologies, circular economy models, and climate adaptation are welcome to apply!


Fun and Family-Friendly Earth Day

We are living in a world where we are more environmentally conscious. We want to celebrate Earth Day with creativity and inclusivity. We are looking for submissions on how to curate activities that celebrate our planet and engage communities. Do you have any DIY eco-friendly or upcycling craft you want to share with others? Maybe you have some gardening tips, virtual tours of eco-friendly places, artistic Earthy expression, or nature-inspired storytelling and games? Submissions to this track can also include creative works such as photography or artwork.

Earth Day Presentation Session Types

*Please note: student/faculty/staff collaborations are welcome. These collaborations should be submitted as a “non-student led” presentation type. A presentation led by a student or a collaboration of only students should be submitted as a “student-led” presentation and is limited to 20 minutes.

Student-Led Presentation:

This type of presentation is 20 minutes total (15 minutes for presentation + 5 minutes for discussion) and is recommended for individual presenters offering succinct delivery. The presenter guides the session and should deliver material appropriate for the session length.

Non-Student Led Presentation — Standard:

These presentations are 20 minutes total (15 minutes for presentation + 5 minutes for discussion). They are recommended for individual presenters or pairs of presenters offering succinct delivery. The presenter guides the session and should deliver material appropriate for the session length.

Non-Student Led Presentation Full:

This type of presentation is 50 minutes total (40 minutes for presentation + 10 minutes for questions) and is recommended for individuals with more in-depth material to present or for group presentations. The presenter guides the session and should deliver material appropriate for the session length. For group presentations, please ensure that the number of presenters is appropriate to the session length.

Posters/Other Materials (asynchronous):

We invite you to show off your creativity and communication skills on environmental stewardship and sustainable progress through a diverse range of creative and informative visual content submissions consisting of but not limited to posters, articles, infographics, PowerPoint presentations with or without pre-recorded audio, or podcasts. Utilize your chosen format to captivate the audience and showcase your knowledge. To submit a proposal, provide a brief description of the objectives, key points, and format in your abstract.

Photo Gallery (asynchronous):

Show what “Our Sustainable Future” looks like to you through photography! Whether it’s a beautiful landscape, a still-life or your favorite reusable items, interesting wildlife you spotted, or something else meaningful to you, we want to see it. Please include a brief (1–2 sentence) caption explaining your photo and how it captures the “Our Sustainable Future” theme.


*Some proposals may be accepted for a different type of session than requested by the presenter. Confirmation of session type will be indicated in the acceptance letter.

Questions? Contact us at