Rotelle pasta

Star-shaped pastina, slurpy bucatini, and conchiglie shaped like seashells are all playful kinds of pasta to introduce to kids or make plain ol' midweek dinners a touch more fun. Another fun pasta is the wagon wheel-shaped rotelle (via Wisegeek). Italian for little wheels, rotelle pasta can also be found labeled as wheel pasta. No bigger than the size of an American quarter, rotelle is one pasta that does not seem to be Italian in origin.

Although typically made with durum wheat, varieties of rotelle made with quinoa, semolina, or whole wheat are also widely available. The ridged surface on the outside of the wheel and the spokes that create little gaps inside, make the pasta excellent for trapping chunks of meat or vegetables inside it. Rotelle can be served in tomato or thick and heavy cream-based sauces. The pasta also does well in hot soups and cold salads or, can be served on the side when tossed in some oil and Parmesan cheese.